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你的土地,你这傲慢的贱人!Your land, insolent slut!

她对他的傲慢的言论发怒。She bristled at his insolent remarks.

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那匪徒龇牙咧嘴地狞笑。The bandit bared his teeth in an insolent smile.

在他的话里有些几乎傲慢无礼的东西。There was something almost insolent in his words.

我把我的请求用荒谬的甚至无礼的形式说出来了。I put my request in an absurd, almost insolent form.

这时的人类雄伟刚毅,但却骄横不虔。This was a race of manly men, but insolent and impious.

因为我没有时间浪费在一个没有教养的小姑娘身上。Because I don't have time to waste on insolent little girls.

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他粗野的言论和行为让房间内的每个人都很不高兴。His insolent speech and behavior upset everyone in the room.

其中一个军官说,这个无礼的小子,在这里干什么?One of the officers said, what is this insolent fellow doing here.

无耻的小崽子们!你们的血将会被锻入用以重整这个世界的武器中去!Insolent whelps ! Your blood will temper the weapons used to reclaim this world!

玛克辛是非常傲慢无礼的人因为她憎恨接替你的工作所以才会表现如此。Maxine is being insolent because she resents covering for you and behaves accordingly.

经理傲慢的态度使很多部下远离他。The insolent attitude of the manager made him alienated from many of his subordinates.

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不知道他为什麽会爱上这样一个刁蛮的女人。It's inexplicable why he should have fallen love with such a shrewd and insolent woman.

莫罗开始说话时,他那双朦胧的褐色眼睛近乎是傲慢无礼地直盯着你。As moreau begins to talk the shadowy brown eyes fix you with an almost insolent direcness.

莫罗开始说话时,他那双朦胧的褐色眼睛近乎是傲慢无礼地直盯着你。As morea u begins to talk the shadowy brown eyes fix you with an almost insolent direcness.

街道的男孩子变得非常无礼,到了人所不能忍受的地步。The boys in the street have become very insolent and it is more than flesh and blood can bear.

桌子上放着未动过的早餐——我们推断,是被那个有性格的孩子置之不理的食物。On the table sits an untouched breakfast — the sodden castoffs, we infer, of the insolent child.

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难道他在我们之间独自奉到启示吗?不然,他是说谎者,是傲慢者。Is it that the Message is sent to him, of all people amongst us? Nay, he is a liar, an insolent one!

这个街头恶棍,年纪轻轻,懒洋洋地呆在法官的办公室里,嚼着口香糖,神情傲慢。The young street tough lounged in the judge's chambers, chewing gum and wearing an insolent expression.

“你认识贝拉,雅克布?”劳伦从篝火那边发问道,我想她说话的腔调可以称得上是粗野无礼了。"You know Bella, Jacob?" Lauren asked — in what I imagined was an insolent tone — from across the fire.