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历史时空的转移,对原有的本生壁画起了多少不同的开展作用。With the development of time and space, the jataka fresco has changed a lot.

迦特哈利本生经一位貌美的贫妇,为波罗奈国王生育了一私生子。Katthahari Jataka A beautiful poor woman once gave birth to an illegal son by the king og Benares.

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用西方读者可以理解的现代英语来讲述这些本生经佛教故事是件令人愉快的事。It is a pleasure to rewrite the Jataka stories in modern English understandable by western readers.

其他流派的诗歌也充满了引自本生故事的事件、人物。Poems of other genre are replete with allusions to incidents and personalities drawn from jataka stories.

本生故事详尽阐释了这些价值观,有利人类和谐共处、愉快生活、繁荣进步。Jataka stories speak eloquently of those human values, which contribute, to harmony, pleasure and progress.

佛教僧侣在寺院教授儿童时,优先采用本生故事作为启蒙教材。When Buddhist monks taught children in viharas, jataka stories took a prominent place in primary education.

僧伽罗文学作品几乎都曾使用本生故事作为素材。There is hardly any form of Sinhala literature which has not been fed by the well springs of jataka stories.

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在培养道德情操方面,很少有其他书能比得上本生故事的基础教育作用。For developing moral conduct and good behaviour, there are few more instructive foundation than jataka stories.

在这一点和其他许多方面,本生故事有益于年青人保持平和喜悦、培养心智。In this any many other respects, jataka stories contributed to happiness and the development of the minds of young ones.

除了文学以外,世界许多地方的绘画、雕刻、建筑也取材于本生故事。Besides literature, painting, sculpture and architecture in many parts of the world carried the message of jataka stories.

在不同的历史文化背景下,本生故事壁画的艺术表现形式较为明晰地呈现出了历史的演变过程。In the different historical culture background, Jataka murals artistic expressing form also reflects the process of evolution clearly.

这个译本改变了原本生经故事的风格,增加了解说,适合现在的孩子。In this interpretation, changes are being made to the style of the old Jataka stories, and explanations are added, as is appropriate for children in the modern world.

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在所有信仰佛教的国家,本生经故事是完善人品的重要指导,被僧侣和非神职布道者广泛引用。In all Buddhist countries the Jataka tales were the major sources for developing the character of the people. They were used widely in preaching by monks and lay preachers.

瞿昙寺回廊佛传壁画是明清之际壁画艺术的重要遗存,正在引起美术史界的高度关注。The Jataka murals in the ambulatory of Qutan Temple are important examples of extant Ming-Qing mural art, and they have attracted a great deal of interest among art historians.