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我们的箭会遮天蔽日。Our arrows will blot out the sun.

谎言是一个人丑陋的污点。A lie is an ugly blot on a person.

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请用吸墨纸将它吸干!Blot it with blotting-paper please!

折信前,你先把信上的墨迹吸干。Blot your letter before folding it.

他在练习册上弄了一个大的污渍。He made a huge blot on his copybook.

把它弄湿,把篮子挂在门闩上。Dampen it with water and blot the basket.

在那儿美为污点披上了轻纱。Where beauty's veil doth cover every blot.

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文不加点的人是很少有的。Those who never blot a line in writing are rare.

用吸墨纸轻轻按了一下,墨水就干了。One dab with blot ting-paper and the ink was dry.

方法G418筛选,DNA分子班点杂交。Methods G418 filtration and DNA blot hybridization.

有什麽办法去掉我衣服上的墨渍吗?。Is there any way to remove the ink blot on my dress?

这是你帝国边境上的一个不相宜的污点。It is an unseemly blot on the skirts of your empire.

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此时我们必须摒弃个人之间的恩怨。We must blot out the personal enmities at this time.

如果是在地板上,先尽量将污渍处的水分吸干。On a floor, blot up as much of the stain as possible.

收集到的细胞溶解液均进行免疫印迹分析。Cell lysates were collected for Western blot analysis.

在污渍上抹点伏特加,然后按正常程序清洗即可。Blot stain with vodka, then launder in your regular wash.

触感轻柔顺畅,不油腻,易于涂抹。Smooth tactility gentleness, not greasy, easy to blot out.

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求你转面勿视我的罪恶,并抹去我的诸般愆尤。Turn Thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.

您可以用它来吸干比萨饼中一茶匙的脂肪。You can use it to blot a teaspoon of fat off a pizza slice.

乌鸦翅膀遮不住太阳。The wings of a crow cannot blot out the radiance of the sun.