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在这里您可以看到一个名为颗粒细胞的核糖体。Here you can see a particulate organelle called the ribosome.

介绍了颗粒增强型金属基复合材料制备装置。A particulate reinforced MMCs preparation device is introduced.

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报告说,颗粒物可能影响生殖能力。Particulate matter can 'influence reproductive abilities, ' it says.

降雨中的SO42-来自于颗粒物与SO2的转化。SO42- in precipitation from the particulate matter and SO2 conversion.

并与原机微粒排放进行比较。The result was compared with the original engine's particulate exhaust.

目的研究尼龙六六盐粉尘对大鼠肺的致纤维化作用。Objective To study the pulmonary fibrosis of nylon 66 salt particulate in rat.

料斗半顶角由实际物料和料斗材料确定。The half vertex angle was determined by particulate solid and hopper materials.

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最后,对原位颗粒增强镁基复合材料的发展趋势作了展望。At last, the future trend of in-situ particulate reinforced Mg MMCs is presented.

降尘中的含汞量远远低于颗粒物含汞量。Mercury content of falling dust is far lower than mercury content of particulate.

多数生物微粒过滤器可以除去0.3微米以上的微粒。Most biological particulate filters remove particle sizes as small as 0.3 microns.

颗粒物,或细尘是由他们微米大小可吸入颗粒物PM2.5的特点来。Particulate matter, or fine dust is characterized by their micrometre size PM10 to PM2.5.

北京市环保局的专家说,北京冷空气活动频繁,有利于大气扩散。Experts at the bureau said active cold airflows had helped particulate matter to disperse.

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微粒物质包括从分子大小到直径大于10毫米的粒子。Particulate matter includes particles from molecular size to greater than 10Mm in diameter.

直到17世纪才有牛顿的微粒说和笛卡尔的波动说。Until 17 century the theory of Newton's particulate and Descartes's wave_moving were found.

在北大西洋上粒子的污染明显地逐年增加。A significant secular increase has occurred in particulate pollution over the North Atlantic.

散式流态化呈现出一种非常均匀的理想流态化结构。Particulate fluidization shows a structure of idealized fluidization of complete homogeneity.

海盐源对气溶胶的贡献随气溶胶粒径增大而增加。Sea salt source contribution to the coast aerosol increased with the diameter of particulate.

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整体来看,微粒子以及其他空气中的物质彰显了某个医学之谜。Taken together, the particulate matter and the other airborne compounds mark a medical mystery.

研究了预交联硬颗粒和软颗粒堵剂在多孔介质中运移规律。The movement law of the rigid and soft precrosslinked particulate in porous medium was studied.

对水膨体调剖剂进行了测定和评价。The precrosslinking swellable particulate profile modification agents were evaluated and applied.