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手上和腿上长了黄褐斑,该怎样治?。Chloasma hands and legs long, how governance?

黄褐斑是常见的面部色素沉着性疾病。Chloasma is a common hyperpigmentation disease on the face.

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黄褐斑通过日常的面部防晒是可以防止的。Chloasma is preventable by daily use of a facial sunscreen.

女性颜面部黄褐斑是妇科临床常见病症。Female's Chloasma Faciei is frequent manifestation in clinica1.

观察针灸配合药浴治疗黄褐斑的效果。Observe the effect of acupuncture and medicinal bath on chloasma.

结论针刺治疗黄褐斑疗效优于口服维生素C、维生素E。Conclusion Acupuncture is better than oral vitamin C and E in treating chloasma.

针灸、中药药浴治疗黄褐斑疗效满意。It has good therapeutic effect to treat chloasma with acupuncture and medicinal bath.

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结论该方能抑制黑素细胞黑素合成,这可能是其治疗黄褐斑的作用机制之一。ConclusionThe recipe is effective in the treatment of chloasma by inhibiting the melanogenesis of A375 human melanoma cell.

黄褐斑是临床常见的损美性皮肤病,本病虽无明显不适,但对患者造成严重思想负担。Chloasma is a kind of skin diseases for damaging beauty, it isn't uncomfortable obviously, but cause serious psychological burden to the patients.

目的观察中药、川芎嗪配合氦氖激光对黄褐斑患者血液流变学的影响。Objective To observe the effect of Chinese herbal medicine, Ligustrazin in coordination with the HeNe laser on hemorheology in patients with chloasma.

目的观察运用中药周期疗法调节冲任失调型女性黄褐斑的临床疗效。Objective To observe the use of such methods as Chinese medicine cycle therapy adjustment female chloasma with disharmony of thoroughfare and conception vessels.

以用中药周期方法治疗冲任失调型黄褐斑作为治疗组,以服用西药氨甲环酸作为对照组。With Chinese medicine cycle therapy was as disharmony of thoroughfare and conception vessels chloasma as treatment group, to take tranexamic acid as control group.

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方法把黄褐斑分成3型,予以针灸结合中药内服、外敷治疗。Methods Chloasma was classified under 3 types and treated by acupuncture in combination with oral administration and external application of Chinese medicinal herbs.

结论滋肾化斑汤治疗女性黄褐斑疗效显著,明显优于口服维生素C、E的对照组。Conclusion The efficacy of Zishen Huaban herbal decoction on treating female chloasma is much better than the contrast group which is taken vitamin C and vitamin E orally.

有效预防和消除黄褐斑、皮肤干涩萎黄等,令肌肤细腻、红润、有光泽、有弹性。Have an effect to take precautions against and remove chloasma , skin dry and bitter wither yellow and so on, make skin exquisite , rosy , have luster , have elastic property.

女性发展出所谓的妊娠期面罩——黑斑,被称为黑皮病或黄褐斑,它们多位于眼睛周围、上唇、面颊和前额部位。It is also fairly common for women to develop the so-called mask of pregnancy—dark splotches known as melasma or chloasma around the eyes and on the upper lip cheeks and forehead.

由于怀孕时的荷尔蒙变化,你的皮肤还可能出现黄色或褐色的斑点,即黄褐斑,在小腹中线部分还会出现一条暗色的线,称为黑线。Other skin changes caused by pregnancy hormones may include brownish or yellowish patches on the face called chloasma and a dark line on the midline of the lower abdomen, known as the linea nigra.

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黄褐斑的中医治疗方法主要是以调理人体外部机能为主,假设想要很好的治疗黄褐斑,是需求内外治疗的同时分别的。TCM treatment of chloasma is based on conditioning the body outside the main function of the main, if you want good treatment of melasma, a demand for both inside and outside the treatment difference.