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它好像在嘴的附近It seems to be in the vicinity of the mouth.

这家一年的收入在一万五千美元左右。The family's annual income is in the vicinity of 000.

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这些的照片是姬路城和那个附近。These photographs are Himeji Castle and the vicinity.

茨城县及其邻近区域发生6.1级地震。A 6.1-magnitude quake rocked Ibaraki and its vicinity.

庐山及其邻近卫矛科植物的研究。The study of Celastraceae from Lushan and its vicinity.

这次地震波及周围几个城市。This earthquake affected several cities in the vicinity.

但现在在他的周围已看不见那些热心的追随者的踪影了。But now there were no enthusiasts to be seen in his vicinity.

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您到毛岛旅游就一直呆在酒店附近吗?Who comes to Mauritius and stays within their hotel vicinity?

不要在这家电附近存放任何易燃物品。Don't store any combustibles in the vicinity of this appliance.

南京鸭肫形状扁圆,肉质紧密,携带方便。Nanjing duck meat close vicinity flat shape, carry convenience.

告知附近船放下多少救生筏并报告。Inform vessels in vicinity about number of liferafts and report.

在沙罗勒附近饲养员在1882年建立了一个群书。Breeders in the Charolles vicinity established a herd book in 1882.

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有时隐瞒事实就相当于欺骗。Sometime concealing the truth is in the same vicinity as deception.

我的吼声使得附近的一些人们转过头来看我们。My bellow managed to turn the heads of several people in the vicinity.

我的吼叫让临近的几人回头望来。My bellow managed to turn the heads of several people in the vicinity.

灰石镇因其周围环绕着巨大的灰色悬崖而得名。Greystone got its name from great grey rocks scattered in its vicinity.

一座庙和一家素食餐厅在大佛的附近。In the vicinity of the statue are a temple and a vegetarian restaurant.

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激烈的交火在纳西里亚附近继续。Intensive exchange of fire is continuing in the vicinity of An-Nasiriya.

逃离家园的难民拥挤在东京上野附近。Congestion of refugees fleeing their homes in the Ueno vicinity in Tokyo.

报道表明在邻近地区家禽中禽流感的暴发。Reports indicate outbreaks of avian influenza in poultry in the vicinity.