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澄清关于两性体的谣言。Disprove that whole hermaphrodite rumor.

现在看来塞门亚女士确实是个双性人。It now appears that Ms Semenya is indeed a hermaphrodite.

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大多数植物都是两性花,它们可以杂交或自交。Most plants are hermaphrodite and they may cross or self-fertihze.

在植物界中比较少见,因为许多植物体为雌雄同体。They are rare in the plant kingdom, and many plants are hermaphrodite.

我的学校里每个人都听过你就是那个双性啦啦队员?Everyone at my school heard it. You were the hermaphrodite cheerleader?

花发育基因调控着两性花的性别表达。In hermaphrodite flowers sex expression is controlled by floral development genes.

这个孩子生来就是一个“两性人”,他同时拥有卵巢和睾丸组织。The child was born a "true hermaphrodite" with both ovarian and testicular tissue.

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大多数的扁虫雌雄同体,绦虫常常进行自体受精。Most flatworms are hermaphrodite and, in tapeworms, self-fertilization usually takes place.

大多数有花植物着生具有功能性雄蕊和雌蕊的两性花。Most flowering plant species bear hermaphrodite flowers with functional stamens and carpels.

两性人轻轻抚摸着他们巨大主人的眉毛,将被汗水浸湿的头涪捋到后面。The hermaphrodite stroked the brow of their gargantuan master pushing back his sweat-damp hair.

持续性雌雄同体具有不同时期成熟的雄性与雌性生殖的器官。Sequential hermaphrodite Having male and female reproductive organs which mature at different times.

雌花两性花同株是植物个体上同时有雌花和两性花的性系统。Gynomonoecy is the sexual system in which individual plants have both female and hermaphrodite flowers.

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又因为语法所迫,总得在阴阳性中选一个归属,于是阴阳人是阳性的,而犹豫不决是阴性。Forced by the grammar to take a stand one way or the other, hermaphrodite is male and indecisiveness female.

由于蚯蚓为雌雄同体动物,在组型分析的基础上,我们认为不存在性染色体。On the basis of Karyotypical analysis it was considered there were no sex-chromosomes in earthworm as it is a hermaphrodite.

蜗牛是雌雄同体的,有的种类可以独立生殖,但大部分种类需要两个个体交配,互相交换精子。Snail is a hermaphrodite , and some type of independent reproduction, but most of the types of mating two individuals to exchange sperm.

日前,南非田协主席莱昂纳多·邱恩正式就隐瞒“塞门娅是双性人”一事道歉。Athletics South Africa president Leonard Chuene has apologized for denying he knew gender tests had confirmed Caster Semenya was a hermaphrodite.

这个词通常被翻译为两性人或阉人,然而有人最近指出这个词可能就是指同性恋。The word pandaka has been translated as either hermaphrodite or eunuch, while Zwilling has recently suggested that it may simply mean a homosexual.

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雌雄同体是一种艺术想象,它涉及到女性主义作家的先驱们在理论和创作中探讨过的重要思路。Hermaphrodite is the artistic imagination that involves the way of thinking of the pioneer feminist writers in their literary creation and theoretical studies.

同宗配合种类可以产生形态大小明显不同的配子,使之能发生相互融合,因此它们是有效的雌雄同体植物。Homothallic species may produce distinctly different sizes of gametes that can fuse with each other and are thus effectively hermaphrodite. Compare heterothallism.