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混乱是最好的伪装。Chaos is great camouflage.

对另一些生物而言,光亮则相当于保护色。For others, it is a form of camouflage.

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峩祗昰比较懂得伪装。I only know how to camouflage comparison.

流行本来就是装屄人听!Cunt camouflage of some always listen to pop !

这个世界,甚麽都是掩眼法。Everything is a kind of camouflage in the world.

野火鸡是巧于伪装,敏于逃遁的大师。Wild Turkeys are masters of camouflage and evasion.

我们都在伪装,都在为对方高兴而伪装。We all pretend, for each other happy and camouflage.

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一个双面人?会伪装掩饰自己的人?。A double-sided? Camouflage will hide their own people?

我们视之为魔术,那些动物的变装。We witness magic when creatures camouflage their coat.

假如要欺骗敌人,掩人耳目是必要旳。Camouflage is necessary if we are to deceive the enemy.

面涂迷彩漆的军队呈单行队列行进。Troops with camouflage face paint marching single file.

伊丽,没问题。你不用再伪装了,你很安全!Ellie, it's OK, you can lose the camouflage. You're safe.

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在钢骨水泥森林里利用稻草来掩饰自己是很蠢的一件事。Using hay to camouflage in a concrete jungle is not smart.

在大自然中“伪装”对于捕猎者和猎物来说都是非常有用的。Camouflage in nature is useful to the hunter and the hunted.

奸细所有的伪饰都逃不过他锐利的眼睛。All the camouflage of the spies cannot escape his sharp eyes.

而黑色迷彩图案则可以修饰胸部。The black graphic camouflages will camouflage the chest area.

有些人还穿着迷彩服佩带勋章。Some of them even wore them with their camouflage combat smocks.

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仿真的导弹和TEL也可能在附近部署用于伪装。Mock missiles and TELs may also be deployed nearby as camouflage.

事实上,带有条纹的斑马也是一种伪装动物。In fact, a zebra with its striped covering is a camouflage animal.

竹节虫是动物王国中的“伪装大师”。Stick bugs have some of the animal kingdom's cleverest camouflage.