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广告部刚刚发了张。小孩的偷拍照片过来。The publicist just sent mea sneak peek at the kid.

所以我当时就是一个娱乐行业的公关人员,So I was doing, I was a publicist in entertainment,

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巴尔金尼克是一个公关在伯克利的新闻办公室。Nick Balkin is a publicist in Berklee's Office of Public Information.

一个团员成了知名的钢琴家,另一个团员则在纳许维尔当公关宣传人员。One became a famous pianist, and another became a publicist in Nashville.

和我签约的出版商开始在广播谈话秀上给我做广告。The publicist they assigned to me started booking me on radio talk shows.

自出版也意味着自我推销,或聘请公关做给你。Self-publishing also means self-promotion, or hiring a publicist to do it for you.

该乐队美国的宣传家并没有在第一时间回复寻求对这一事件看法的邮件。U.S.-based publicist for the band did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

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时事评论员保罗称他和考克利在上周了她的“牛郎店”计划。Publicist Paul Ellis said he had met Corkery in the past week to discuss her business plan.

一位年仅21岁,现居住在华府的年轻公法学家亦深受其害。One 21-year-old Washington, D. C. , resident who works as a publicist learned this the hard way.

她的演讲不时被儿子的高声哭闹打断,而那个推广人员则要拼命安抚他。Her speeches were punctuated by her son's high-pitched crying as the publicist tried to calm him.

汽车把送到摄影棚的侧门,一个烦人但友好的公关人员接待了我。A car drops me off at a side door to a soundstage, where aharried but friendly publicist meets me.

一位好客的本地旅游出版商请我吃晚饭,煞费苦心地向我介绍这里的好处。A nice publicist for local tourism took me to dinner and tried valiantly to persuade me of the town's merits.

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他的发言人说在与癌症进行长期的斗争后,昨天他在位于康涅狄格,靠近Westport的农场的家中去世。His publicist says he died yesterday at his farmhouse near Westport, Connecticut after a long battle with cancer.

发言人杰夫·桑德森证实,纽曼在与癌症进行长期抗争后,于昨日在康涅狄格州韦斯特波特市农庄病逝。His publicist says he died yesterday at his farmhouse near Westport , Connecticut after a long battle with cancer.

“是的,我口误了,”在斯通代理人的声明中说道。声明的标题是“沙朗·斯通自己的话”。"Yes, I misspoke, " said the statement released by Stone's publicist and entitled "In my own words by Sharon Stone.

“是的,我失言了”,在通过斯通公关顾问发布的“莎朗斯通原话”的声明中如是说。"Yes, I misspoke, " said the statement released by Stone's publicist and entitled "In my own words by Sharon Stone. "

一个有创意的广告员走到盲人边上停下来,并注意到他的帽子里只有几个硬币。A creative publicist was walking by the blind man and stopped to observe that the man only had a few coins in his hat.

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我的公关安排了我的一切,我只能在豪华车里与他会面,摆出拍照姿势,与他整晚在一起而他就象个陪衬。My publicist fixed me up, I just met him in the limo, posed for pictures and spent all night with him and he was a dud.

曝料者约翰·布兰斯切说,这个眼罩是用来保护冯安沃在周二早上不小心粘住的眼睛的。The patch protects an eye that Prince Frederic Von Anhalt accidentally glued shut Tuesday morning, publicist John Blanchette said.

广州翻译公司那天下战书的晚些时候那位广告员回到盲人哪儿,发现他的帽子里装满了钞票和硬币。Later that afternoon the creative publicist returned by the blind man and noticed that his hat was almost completely full of bills and coins.