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大学以超乎想象的方式影响着信息。The university impacts information, but it impacts it imaginatively.

假如这正是他们想要的,那他们也得把数据运用得更富想象力一些。If that is what they want, they will need to use data more imaginatively.

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我的阅读在事实层面出现谬误,但在想像层面忠于哈代笔下荒凉景色的精神。My reading was factually false but imaginatively true to the spirit of Hardy's bleak landscape.

身在国外而描写国内,作家的创意与热情往往更能挥洒。Sometimes writers write more imaginatively and passionately about their homeland when they are away from it.

你给自己一个目标,试着假想自己,在死亡这种情况下。You set yourself the goal of trying to put yourself in the situation imaginatively of what it's like to be dead.

蔡元培“毁誉听之”的态度,为人们自主诠释蔡元培提供了自由想象的空间。Cai's attitude of disregarding the praise or blame provided a free space for people to interpret Cai imaginatively.

处理数据时,务必仔细考虑如何将该数据表示为内容。When you're working with data, it's critical that you think imaginatively about how you present that data as content.

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每一天的集市都是色彩与神韵的盛会,摊上水果、蔬菜的摆放非常有艺术性与想像力。The daily market is a festival of colors and textures, with fruit and vegetable stalls artistically and imaginatively composed.

他们赞赏工作的感觉,喜欢投身于自己的创作情形,并得到富有想象力的回应。They appreciated the sensation of the work, and liked to involve themselves in their own creative terrain and responded imaginatively.

罗宾逊的失误被大加渲染,原因何在?因为门将的每个失误都是不可饶恕的。Well ' imaginatively ' Simon and Garfunkel with their hit 'misses Robinson' but the point is, as a keeper a single mistake is unforgivable.

艾米丽·帕斯特,住在芝加哥城郊河畔森林的两个孩子的母亲,试图控制电视时间并鼓励她的孩子发挥想象力地去玩。Emily Paster, a mother of two in River Forest, Ill., a Chicago suburb, tries to discourage screen time and encourage her children to play imaginatively.

艾米丽·帕斯特,住在芝加哥城郊河畔森林的两个孩子的母亲,试图控制电视时间并鼓励她的孩子发挥想象力地去玩。Emily Paster, a mother of two in River Forest, Ill. , a Chicago suburb, tries to discourage screen time and encourage her children to play imaginatively.

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日常的集市是色彩与神韵的盛会,摊上水果、蔬菜的摆放非常有艺术性与想像力。The daily market is a festival of colors and textures, with fruit and vegetable stalls artistically and vegetable stalls artistically and imaginatively composed.

制作豪华、镜头充满想像力,电影将会给富于幻想的观众带来全身心的愉悦、震撼、洗礼。Lavishly produced and imaginatively shot, the film will delight audiences who enjoy extravagantly gorgeous imagery without the violence that usually accompanies it.

要证明这些问题的答案我们需要以阿富汗及其邻国的各种知识为基础进行想象。Justifying answers to those questions requires imaginatively working through various scenarios in ways deeply informed by knowledge of Afghanistan and its neighbors.

如今,如果有人说科学的本质是人类的行为,我们可以通过想象地球之外也存在科学家来反驳他。Today, if someone claims that science is by nature a human activity, we can refute them by imaginatively appreciating the possibility of extra-terrestrial scientists.

委托开展此项目的“健康饮食”频道的罗帕•古拉蒂称,这副全景图说明了如何将水果和蔬菜有创意地用于饮食之中。Roopa Gulati from the Good Food channel, the company who commissioned the work, said the image represents how fruit and vegatables can be used imaginatively in the diet.

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阅读中不同人对文字的反向思维是不同的。一些人紧贴着纸面文字,有些人在想象中超越文字地去翻译、批判、分析和研究。Different people converse with the text differently. Some stay very close to the words on the page , others take off imaginatively from the words, interpreting, criticizing, analyzing and examining.