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“插入表”。Insert Table.

插入对白。Insert dialogue.

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请插入软件狗!Please insert the dongle!

缸底嵌入式缓冲垫。Floating cap cushion insert I.

“插入表”对话框随即打开。Insert Table dialog box opens.

插入口咽导气管。B. Insert oropharyngeal airway.

不要把拭子插入耳道。Do not insert swab into ear canal.

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这个镶件采用的是什么钢料制造的?。What metal is this insert made of?

往RDF图中插入新的三元组。Insert new triples to an RDF graph.

底座嵌入防滑橡胶条。Skids with anti-slip rubber insert.

插在发泡胶板上待乾。Insert it in the foam while it drys.

抵肩衬在低领衣服里的抵肩。A yoke insert for a low-necked dress.

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然后你在这个点上插入停顿And you insert a pause at that point.

洗碗机安全,拉出托盘插入。Dishwasher-safe, pull-out tray insert.

将纸板插入盘折边槽内。Insert paper pad into grooves of tray.

为每个花店插入一个字符串。Insert a string for each of the stores.

插入并且旋紧十字槽头螺丝。Insert and tighten Phillips head screw.

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输入16个充值密码以充值您的帐号。Insert the 16 digit passcode to top up.

刷机之后插入SIM卡才会显示出侧边栏!Insert the SIM card to show the sidebar!

请插入另一张盘以播放。Please insert another disc to play back.