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关于谢拉顿酒店你了解多少?What do you know about Sheraton Hotel?

滨海路上的阿拉伯人及背景中的喜来登大酒店。Arabs at the Corniche with Sheraton Hotel behind.

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据说苏州的这家吴宫喜来登是其集团在国内口碑最好的一家。It is said to be the best Sheraton Hotel in China.

雪里顿先生并不赞成他女儿的计划。Mr. Sheraton did not approve of his daughter's plan.

你认为你可以适合在谢拉顿酒店工作么?Do you believe you will fit in at the Sheraton Hotel?

你希望在谢拉顿酒店工作后带走什么?What do you hope to bring away after working at Sheraton Hotel?

我住在喜来登豪华饭店,房间号码是816。I'm staying at the Sheraton Please Hotel, the room number is 816.

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乔开东,是一名普普通通的公共区域服务员。Mr. Qiao Kai Dong is a common PA attendant of Sheraton Dongguan Hotel.

喜来登大酒店选址南滨,成就重庆首个亚洲地标。Located in Nanbin, Sheraton Hotel Becoming First Asian Landmark in Chongqing.

傍晚时分,从阿勒颇喜来登大酒店的屋顶上上眺望阿勒颇城市全景。Overhead view of Aleppo city skyline at dusk from rooftop of Sheraton Aleppo Hotel.

如果我们没有在机场碰到面,请搭计程车,告诉司机你要到台北喜来登饭店。You still have to take a taxi if you get off the bus at Sheraton Taipei Hotel stop.

为期五天的“2007首届德国啤酒节”在长沙喜来登酒店开幕。The five-days of "2007 Germany beer festival" was held in Sheraton Hotel in Changsha.

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他的酒店职业生涯始于1986年——上海华亭喜来登酒店。He first started his career with Sheraton Hua Ting Hotel Shanghai in 1986 as a trainee.

我的第一站是在五星级的喜来登酒店,下一站就是一家网吧。My first stop there was the five-star Sheraton Hotel. My next stop was an internet bar.

让台北喜来登大饭店的行政管家服务给您备感尊宠的服务。Allow yourself to be spoiled by the executive butler service of the Sheraton Taipei Hotel.

我把我来自新英格兰的18世纪漂亮桌子和所有的谢拉顿式银器都给了他们。I've given them my beautiful 18th-century desk from New England and all the Sheraton silver.

做为北京最好的酒店之一,北京喜来登长城饭店获得了许多荣誉。Reputed as one of the finest in the city, The Great Wall Sheraton Hotel Beijing has won many awards.

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虹桥喜来登上海太平洋大饭店盛邀您前来品尝黄满肉厚、肉质嫩滑的大闸蟹,必让您饕餮整个金秋。Do not miss this delicacy created by the dedicated chefs of Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel this Autumn.

这次我们有幸与长沙运达喜来登酒店的总经理彭博先生有一个近距离的接触。We were lucky to have a close contact with Mr. Yoland Perras, General Manager of Sheraton Changsha Hotel.

之后,蔡先生接任广东顺德喜来登酒店开业总经理职务并带领他的团队成功开业该酒店。His most recent posting was the opening General Manager of the Sheraton Shunde Hotel in Guangdong province.