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悲痛的恢复力是非常大的。The restorative powers of mourning are extraordinary.

适当的5-羟色胺水平有利于促进深度睡眠,迅速恢复体力。Adequate serotonin levels promote deep, restorative sleep.

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一个人晕过去之后,阿摩尼亚可用作兴奋剂。Ammonia is used as a restorative when a person has fainted.

朋友们,这是一个很棒的养生瑜伽世界。This my friends, is the wonderful world of Restorative Yoga.

这个恢复性司法会议是在本顿维尔监狱里举行的。The restorative justice conference was in Pentonville Prison.

当然,我认为休息可以使人振作,恢复健康,并且是必要的。Sure I thought of rest as refreshing, restorative and necessary.

你可以把它当做赛前集训、赛后冷静反思,甚至恢训练。It can be a workout, a cool down, and even a restorative practice.

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因此我发现了公共卫生,并引导我走向修复式司法。So I discovered public health, which led me to restorative justice.

胖嘎果的回复效果现在能够更好地作用于你。The restorative effects of Punga fruit now have a greater effect on you.

为什么上网闲逛能比回封朋友的邮件更能让人恢复活力呢?Why is Web-surfing more restorative than, say, responding to a friend's email?

良好的恢复性睡眠是这段时间你能给自己的最好的礼物。And good, restorative sleep is the best gift you can give yourself at this time.

他问我和凯迪是否愿意参加这类的会议。He asked me and Katy if we wanted to take part in a restorative justice conference.

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通常牙医会有几种间接修复材料可以选择。Currently, dentists have a bevy of indirect restorative materials at their disposal.

那么,我们能做些什么才能恢复这个奇妙而神秘的恢复性睡眠阶段?So what can we do to get more of this marvelous, mysteriously restorative sleep stage?

陶瓷修复材料是最自然逼真的牙体组织人工替代材料。Ceramic restorative material is the best living substitutive material for natural tooth.

优质的睡眠是治愈压力、抑郁和生活失衡的的魔药。Restorative sleep is the magical pill against stress, depression and loss of life balance.

天然的植物精华温和的护理指甲跟皮肤。Treat your nails &cuticles kindly with our naturally restorative and botanically bodacious balm.

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但是打鼾本身会严重妨碍睡眠,阻止你获得足够的有效的休息。But snoring itself can interrupt sleep enough to prevent you from getting enough restorative rest.

本文比较了镓合金与银汞合金两种牙体修复材料的耐磨性、腐蚀性及菌斑附着情况。The adhesion of plaque on dental restorative between gallium alloy and amalgam alloy were compared.

目的研究新型不含汞的牙体充填材料镓合金的细胞毒性。Objective To test the cytotoxicity of Gallium alloy, a new mercury-free dental restorative material.