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他是一个穷凶极恶的杀人犯。He is a nefarious murderer.

他是个穷凶恶极的杀人犯。he is a nefarious murderer.

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你可以使用这个为不法的企图。You can use this for nefarious purposes.

当极恶巫妖离场时,你输掉此盘游戏。When Nefarious Lich leaves play, you lose the game.

现在,我要指出的是,这种事并不总是那么邪恶无比。Now, let me point out that it's not always nefarious.

大地的赐予全被用去造孽。The gifts of the earth were put only to nefarious uses.

欧盟认为,英特尔利用返点促销用意恶毒。The EU reckons that Intel's use of such rebates was nefarious.

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从大脑中抓取信息不一定总是邪恶的。Grabbing information from the mind doesn't always have to be nefarious.

你作为阿什,被打死的邪恶犯罪类型没有任何理由。You, as Ashe, have been killed by nefarious criminal types for no reason.

一些西班牙种植者看到德国的原指控邪恶意图。Some Spanish growers see nefarious intent in Germany's original accusation.

而很明显,这一切的罪魁祸首就是玄天门!But very obvious, the king nefarious of all these is the Xuan door in the sky!

克鲁格曼认为这些通胀谣言只是一个共和党的阴谋。Krugman has charged that inflation fearmongering is a nefarious Republican plot.

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北城别。回眸三生琥珀色。西城诀。转身一世琉璃白。Beicheng don't. Hoped amber buddies. Wl tactic. Turned white coloured glaze nefarious.

他们通过腐败和罪恶行为不断攻击我终于耗尽了我。They have depleted me through the constant assault of corruption and nefarious practices.

他们无法相信我居然出卖了我们的竞选精神,做出了这样可恶的妥协。They couldn’t believe I’d sold out the spirit of the campaign with such a nefarious compromise.

1946年,通用电气因其邪恶的战时活动被美国政府处以罚款。In 1946 General Electric was fined by the US government owing to its nefarious wartime activities.

我认为它自己应该开始抵制来自伊朗的影响,这是一种邪恶的影响。It think that in and of itself will begin to shield from influences of Iran that are nefarious influences.

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与此同时,伊莫金的继母策划了一系列恶毒的计划来对付她,但最终,这个邪恶的继母还是死了。Meanwhile, Imogen’s evil stepmother tries her hand at a number of nefarious plans--but fortunately, she dies.

没有邪恶的科学家,在故意欺骗你,好进行他的邪恶实验。It's not that the evil scientist is just deliberately deceiving you so as to conduct his nefarious experiments.

消息来源又说,当然,相信只有部分钱到了“违法份子”手上。Only part of that money, however, is believed to have been diverted to "nefarious elements, " the source added.