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皮底。Leather sole.

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它是真皮的吗?Is it real leather?

黑皮鞋。Black leather shoes.

这是假皮的吗?Is this fake leather?

这是真皮的吗?Is this real leather?

轮式皮革贴边。Wheeled leather welt.

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买一个皮革手袋。Buy a leather handbag.

这种是全皮的。These are all leather.

仿古皮革鞋面。Antiqued leather upper.

鞋头可以做成皮革吗?Can toe cap be leather?

皮夹克外套。Leather blouson jacket.

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头层全粒面牛皮材质。Full-grain leather upper.

生皮伸得长。Raw leather will stretch.

丰富的马笼头皮革饰边。Rich bridle leather trim.

全粒面皮革鞋面。Full grain Leather uppers.

皮质里衬和鞋垫。Leather lining and insole.

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合成革外底。Synthetic leather outsole.

它们是由皮革制成的。They yare made of leather.

那摸上去像真皮一样。It feels like real leather.