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纤细的腰身具有永恒的吸引力Timeless Appeal of Slender Waist

他使残暴无限期的上演…He who brutalizes the timeless stage.

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而且对鱼水之欢的渴望是永恒的。And the desire for intimacy is timeless.

来看看十部永恒的爱情小说吧。Check out the ten best timeless love stories.

这张照片有一种永恒的气息。There's a timeless quality to this photograph.

朴素是他们的传统也是他们永恒不变的风格!Simplicity is their traditional yet timeless style.

当代的经典产品,永久的计时装置——铁达时。A Contemporary classic. A timeless time piece—Titus.

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因为美丽是永恒的,但产品是会过期的。Beauty is timeless but unfortunately, products are not.

然而你们心中的无限,意识到生命的无限。Yet the timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness

有一些思想是永恒的,比如最小化特权。Some ideas, such as minimizing privileges, are timeless.

清洁帆布鞋面给人一种永恒的外观,我们都爱。Clean canvas upper gives a timeless look that we all love.

夕阳剪切出过往行人的侧影,这成了圣地一道常见的景象。Setting sun silhouettes a timeless scene in the Holy Land.

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那么你会怎么用这些永恒的智慧改善你的生活呢?So how will you this timeless wisdom to improve your life?

爱情即是永恒的,然而在很多情况下,又是短暂的。Love is both timeless and, in too many instances, transient.

她在戛纳戴的镜框呈现出优雅和永恒的时髦感。Her Cannes frames epitomise elegance and timeless classiness.

谦逊是为人人所赏识的永恒的美德。Humility is a timeless virtue that's appreciated by everyone.

这时,只留下柔和的晚风和无尽的大海。Then there was only the soft night wind and the timeless sea.

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数学里的每个证明都是永久的,除非它有错误.In math, every proof is timeless unless it contains a mistake.

罗琳编写了一个来源于这个世界的永恒的故事。K. Rowling, has crafted a timeless story that is out of this world.

它们存在于时空,但我既不属于也不限于时空。They are there, in time and space, but I am timeless and spaceless.