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然而,“政治家”一词带有褒义色彩。However, the word "statesman" has a commendatory sense.

本来想让你用一个好成语夸夸我。I anticipated a commendatory idiom from you to praise me.

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和蔼可亲的态度是最好的推荐信。A best commendatory letter request that you have a good attitude.

是的,疯狂,对于我们,似乎一直都是个褒义词。Yea, crazy, to us , seems continuously all is a commendatory term.

啥破成语词典,有关我们的没一句读着舒服的!What a dictionary of idioms! There are not any commendatory terms about us rats.

偏执狂在这里就是褒义词,何况事实的确如此。Paranoid Here is a commendatory term, not to mention the fact that this is the case.

韩佳,我要是放得好的话,你得给我找一个褒义的成语夸我。Han Jia, if I do a good job herding my sheep, you must use a commendatory idiom to praise me.

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利用模糊综合评价法,对TRIZ所推荐的创新原理作出顺序选择的决策。Using fuzzy synthesis estimate method, we can make decision of commendatory inventive principles by TRIZ.

作者以翻译全文的方式作为这个研究的主干,并在此基础上作了适量的评述。The author makes the whole text's translation the base for this study, on which he makes appropriate commendatory.

麒麟是一种四足动物,它是吉祥的象征。所以和龙、凤、麒麟有关的词语都是褒义词。Kylin, a quadruped, is an auspicious symbol. Therefore, the words concerned with these three animals are commendatory.

前者包括意义的增加和减弱,后者包括褒义色彩和贬义色彩。The former includes meaning increase and meaning decrease, and the latter, commendatory emotions and derogatory emotions.

“红色”在汉文化中寓意颇丰,与之相关的词语多为褒义,这与西方以贬义为主的“红文化”反差甚大。Compared with the derogatory-oriented implications in the west, "red" has been favored as a commendatory epithet among the Chinese.

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在翻译有褒贬含义的词语时,要根据语境的提示进行选择,要以原文的立场为标准。The choice of translation of commendatory and derogatory term should be according to the context, and from the point of the original.

能在西北方及西南方摆放结婚照,为风水上极受推荐之吉祥摆设。Just can reach southwest to just be put in northwest marry according to, for geomantic on extremely suffer commendatory lucky decoration.

退赛除了两败俱伤,我找不到任何褒义词,谁来承担后果,同样找不到答案。In addition to the lose-lose game back, I can not find any commendatory term, who will bear the consequences, the same can not find the answer.

从理论与实践两个方面探讨了英汉翻译中的词义正确选择及其重要性。It attempts to discuss the ways and importance of making right choices of commendatory or derogatory sense of words in the translation from English to Chinese.

结论使用肠溶阿司匹林和低分子肝素钙联合治疗急性脑梗塞疗效好,使用简便、安全、经济,可在临床予推广应用。Conclusion It is quite effective, convenient, safe, economical and commendatory to use aspirin and low molecular weight heparin in acute cerebral infarction therapy.

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此外,白色和纯洁、善良等褒义词似乎是一种等同关系,仿佛它代表着一个天真无邪的少女,是一部永远都不会老的纯真传说。In addition, white and the commendatory word such as pure, goodness are one kind is equal it seems that relation, as if it is representing a fancy-free girl, be forever won't old pure fokelore.