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也许中国的均衡损失是暂时的。Perhaps China's loss of poise is temporary.

用高雅的身姿击败强大的敌人。Defeated a powerful enemy with graceful poise.

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她非常沈著,从不显得窘迫。She had perfect poise and never seemed embarrassed.

韦维尔以安祥持重的态度接受了这项决定。Wavell received the decision with poise and dignity.

哲秀就在危险和平凡中小心翼翼保持平衡。Sagacious show is in dangerous peace every cautious poise.

正午,我们在原地绕圈圈,并坚强地保持风度。Midday, we in situ round and round, and strong to keep poise.

岁月虽逝,我心依旧,火箭表现得坚定不移,泰然自若。None the less, The Rockets showed great perseverance and poise.

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他的声音太激动了,他感情的宁静太可疑了。His voice was too tremulous , the poise of his feelings too doubtful.

根据英国百货公司Debenhams的研究,平衡力和对鞋的选择都是可遗传的。According to Debenhams, balance, poise and choice of shoe is hereditary.

他解释到扒窃是一门需要特别技能的综合艺术,这其中包括沉着。It's a craft he says takes a special combination of skills — like poise.

对很多人而言,这是一个好消息――风度并非天生丽质,只需要一点点努力,你便可以获得它。Good news for many, poise is not geneticCit can be acquired with a bit of effort.

或许,你与客户共事时发现自己比以往更加镇静自若。Perhaps you realized you had more poise than you ever expected in a client situation.

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他们觉得女性应该怎样展现像优雅、镇静和礼节。how they believe a woman should be presented with like, grace and poise and etiquette.

自由端上设有收紧弹性线的固定卡或砝码。The free end is provided with a fixing block or a poise for frapping the elastic thread.

这无疑又加重了衡阳引进富士康的砝码。This undoubtedly and in addition weighed the poise that the HengYang introduces Fuji Kang.

他们打磨出一种我们大多数人不具备的信心,培养出一种我们只能幻想自己拥有的泰然自若。They honed a confidence that eludes most of us and summoned a poise that we can only imagine.

劳拉双手微微哆嗦,但她力争保持平稳和自若,年轻的梅利就做不到。Nora's own hands were none too steady, but she had poise and composure that young Melly lacked.

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在西方文化中,沉着自信也是有良好教养人士的重要特质。Poise is also appreciated in Western culture as an essential quality of a well-mannered person.

很显然,她恣意挥洒的自然风度和率真个性绝非刻意为之。She clearly has plenty of natural poise and genuine personality that is anything but contrived.

在完美地处理平衡和控制翅膀上鹫无可非议是印象最深刻的守猎者。For perfect poise and control on the wing the golden eagle is arguably the most impressive hunter.