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它们也是卵生的。They laid eggs too.

阵雨涤荡了空中飞扬的灰尘。The shower laid the dust.

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这些猪长膘真快。These pigs laid on quick.

赌博使他负了债。Gambling laid him in debt.

一场阵雨于尘埃不再飞扬。A shower has laid the dust.

摆好了八副餐具。Covers were laid for eight.

你也可能被公司裁掉。It might even get you laid.

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不过,撒切尔还是以自己的准绳贯彻实施了法律。Thatcher laid down the law.

现在有一半需要下岗。Now half had to be laid off.

两周我都没力气。For two weeks I was laid out.

她那洁白的小手令人沉醉。She laid her snow-white hand.

那匹马将耳朵竖到后面。The horse laid back its ears.

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马把耳朵伸向后面。The horse laid his ears back.

他把铲子放在门边。He laid the spade by the door.

她浓浓地抹了一层脂粉。She laid the paint on thickly.

很多员工遭到资遣。A lot of employees got laid of.

抢劫犯突然向一个盲人袭击。The mugger laid to a blind man.

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雨水很快荡涤了空中飞扬的尘土。The rain quickly laid the dust.

他拿四个路易放在桌上。He laid four louis on the table.

夏日的风暴刮倒了庄稼。The summer storm laid the crops.