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一个健康的人和团队需要的是什么力量呢?What kind of potence does a healthy man or team need?

这药因受潮失去了效力。The drug has lost its potence by being exposed to moisture.

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我愿意为传播和弘扬中国文化贡献我的力…I want to be spread and carry forward chinese culture contribute to my potence.

有人追求钱财有人追求权力但所有的人都追求幸福。Someone reach after money, someone reach after potence , but all of them reach after happiness.

激励是人力资源管理中的重要内容,是挖掘人力资源潜能的有效手段。Incentive is important content of human resources management and is effective method of opening out human potence.

曾经,这里只许权势,不准情谊的争雄之地。多少年头,我都在忍受着那份深入骨髓的仇恨。Here, only potence and influence, no affection. Men contend for hegemony. I've borne the deep hatred for many years.

这种自由观区别于人们通常理解的政治自由、形上自由与把自由视为能力的观点。This view of freedom was different from the common views like political freedom, metaphysical freedom and regarding freedom as potence.

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我们公司拥有高素质的管理人才,先进的生产设备,雄厚的技术力量。Our company possess of some management personnel with high-education experience , advanced production facilities and abundant technique potence.

雷鸣是呼唤我前进的声音,暴雨是我前进的动力,强风是我觉醒的能量!Fulminatory is shout to me advance of sound, rainstorm is shout to me advance of momentum, fierceness wind is arousal of potence. come over tempest.

这对于我国工业企业降低成本、提高生产效率、增强竞争力,具有重要的理论意义和广阔的应用前景。It is significant for industrial firms to lower cost, increase efficiency and reinforce potence of competition and thus the applying possibilities appear unlimited.

吐哈盆地台北凹陷北部的博格达山前构造带发育二叠系深湖相泥岩,具有较高的生烃潜能。There is Permian lake facies mudstone which has big potence to produce hydrocarbon in the front structural belt of Bogeda mountain in the north of Taibei depression.

本文主要对浙贝乙素胆酸盐合成的工艺优化作进一步的讨论,同时,对其理化性质及稳定性进行考察,为其质量标准的制定提供参考的依据。It will be a hopeful drug with great potential once its potence is proved in clinic. In this study , we are trying to optimize the synthesis craft of the Verticinone-cholic Acid Salt.

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现行监管模式和法律规制在网上银行方面显得力不从心,这已不能适应网上银行蓬勃发展的客观需要。Current supervise mode and law rules seem to be to lack the potence on the online banking. This have already couldn't adapted the impersonality require of the surged and developed online banking.