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客观的值得更难捉摸些。Objective worthiness is more elusive.

它曾经被认为“以人为本”作出的决定,对你的信用,老有所为。It used to be that "people" made decisions about your credit worthiness.

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所以在道德范畴之外,我们必须设问,是什么东西带给人生客观性的值得。So we must ask what lends objective worthiness to a life outside the moral realm.

所有这些战例都证实了这种炮不同寻常的精确性以及它全面的战斗价值。All bespeak the unusual accuracy of the gun and it's all-around combat worthiness.

一个国家内部的稳定程度是其值得信任度的试金石。The degree of internal stability is the litmus test of nation's credit- worthiness.

记住,你的信用评分是什么决定你的信用给放款。Remember, your credit score is what determines your credit worthiness to the lenders.

大部分民众认为各种出身和工作都值得尊重。There is much democratic insistence on the worthiness of every level of birth and work.

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对于火电厂中的其它辅机控制系统的设计亦有一定的参考价值。It is also worthiness to other slave machine control system's design in fire-power plant.

走进龙培训,打嗝有机会证明自己的老部落和他的父亲。Entering dragon training, Hiccup has a chance to prove his worthiness to his tribe and father.

诚信为本,开拓创新,是东旭人不变的信念。Trust worthiness for this , expand creative is the constant conviction of our East-sun people.

他有个绝妙的主意,就是用字母,给证券评级,以此来代表其信用状况He had a neat idea and that was to give letter grades to securities that represented credit worthiness.

佛教探索了人类在世间的位置与意义,重视生命价值的实现。Buddhist probe into the status and meaning of people in the world, and actualize the worthiness of life.

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天马星座葡萄酒只能在特定的时期酿造,它以时期性和集中的时间性体现独特的价值。Equuleus is only produced in exceptional vintages and is notable for its age worthiness and concentration.

一些人发现流行程度和艺术价值是对立的,因此否定那些逐步成功的乐队。Some find popularity and artistic worthiness to be opposites and therefore, reject bands that become successful.

本文对面向服务的协同系统的研究具有理论意义和实用价值。The research on service-oriented collaborative system of this thesis has academic significance and practical worthiness.

日益严峻的全球生态危机要求人类反思自己的价值取向。The whole world ecological conjuncture is more and more austerity that it requests human think their temper of worthiness.

目的探讨彩色多普勒超声对胎儿泌尿系统畸形筛查诊断临床价值。Objective To investigate the worthiness of multicolor Doppler ultrasound in screening urethral system abnormality of fetus.

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要从现有遗留代码库收集代码,首先必须找到这些代码并确定其重用价值。To salvage code from an existing legacy code base, you first have to locate that code and determine its worthiness for reuse.

结论异丙酚用于无痛人工流产术是一种安全有效的静脉麻醉药,值得进一步推广应用。Conclusion Propofol is a kind of safe and efficacious anaesthetic when use into induced abortion, it is worthiness to extend more.

你的债信比,或者说你应付账款的总额,是决定你信贷可靠性的五个因素之一。Your debt to credit ratio, or the amount you owe on accounts, is one of the five elements used to determine your credit worthiness.