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通过应继续不停和迅速进行。Passage shall be continuous and expeditious.

在办理展期方面,护照办人员是很迅速的。“The passport office is pretty expeditious when it comes to handling renewals,” Teddy said.

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由有关当局管理,旨在促进安全、有序和高效的空中交通服务。A service operated by appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly and expeditious flow of air traffic.

它的目标是使用信息化来推进产业化进程并实现生产力的迅速发展。It aims at using informatization to promote industrialization and actualize the expeditious development in productivity.

布兰克说,这些协定无疑将进一步加强美国经济并增加就业机会,因此应该予以即刻通过。Blank said the agreements “will no doubt further strengthen our economy and create jobs, and they deserve expeditious approval.”

我们指示与贸易有关的知识产权理事会迅速找到解决办法,并在2002年底报告总理事会。We i truct the Council for TRI to find an expeditious solution to this problem and to report to the General Council before the end of 2002.

关于加工,我们自己拥有一个包装车间,因此加工过程更为便捷,可以确保产品质量。In relation with the process we have a packaging plants itself, It makes the process much more expeditious and ensure us the product quality.

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我们指示与贸易有关的知识产权理事会迅速找到解决办法,并在2002年底报告总理事会。We instruct the Council for TRIPS to find an expeditious solution to this problem and to report to the General Council before the end of 2002.

商业法庭制定出了实用公平并以商业惯例为基础的不拘形式的规则与高效的程序。The merchants' courts worked out informal rules and expeditious procedures that were practical, fair, and grounded in the usages of businessmen.

代谢组学模型的出现将提供更加迅速和敏感的手段来研究男性不育的氧化应激机制。The advent of metabolomic profiling will likely offer a more expeditious and sensitive means of studying mechanisms of OS in male factor infertility.

实验表明,该技术方案能实现大型武器装备的快速、准确故障定位与远程监测。Experiment results show that this system can implement expeditious and accurate fault positioning and long-range monitoring for large weapon equipments.

而力拓此后的声明则转而谈到了中国的“法律程序”,希望对待力拓员工的法律程序能够透明和迅速。More-recent statements have referred instead to China's 'legal process,' while expressing 'hope for a transparent and expeditious process for its employees.'

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这在政府单位与保育团体想携手合作、共同为大众安全与保育而努力的地区,会特别迅速有效。This approach would be especially expeditious where government agencies and conservation groups seek to work together for both public protection and for conservation.

对此,宣言指示TRIPS委员会“寻找一个快速的解决方法并在2002年底前向常务委员会提交报告”。In response, the declaration instructs the TRIPS Council "to find an expeditious solution to this problem and to report to the General Council before the end of 2002".

这些垃圾包括不必要的文件,坏掉的快捷方式,多余的副本文件,系统注册表的死项目,历史记录信息等。These include unnecessary garbage in the paper was destroyed in an expeditious manner, redundant copies of the document, the system registry's death, record information.

通过并购的方式迅速提高我们的市场占有率也在我们的考虑之中,而如果涉及到较大规模的并购,我们将安排其他的融资渠道。Through mergers and acquisitions and expeditious manner to improve our market share in our consideration, and if M &As involving large-scale, we will arrange other financing channels.

精明的中国谈判者,另一方面,给他们易受影响的猎物找到了一条快速的生财之道,中丅共、新中国向现代化的快速前进。Shrewd Chinese negotiators, on the other hand, have found in their pliant quarry an expeditious way to advance their careers, the Party, and the New China's rapid push to modernization.

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由于血液保质期短,最长21天,因此专业快速的处理技术是必需的,崔维斯实验室的工作安排也考虑到了这一点。Because of its short life, 21 days at best, expeditious as well as expert handling of blood is necessary, and the work schedule at the Travis laboratory was geared to that consideration.

WTO中的迅速仲裁作为争端解决的一个替代手段,能够便利解决涉及有关双方己明确界定问题的争端。Expeditious arbitration within the WTO as an alternative means of dispute settlement can facilitate the solution of certain disputes that concern issues that are clearly defined by both parties.

在一份报道中,纽约房产局称其将与布隆伯格政府共同工作“以迅速有效地发现并执行达到那些目标的方式”。In a statement, the Real Estate Board of New York said it would work with the Bloomberg administration “to identify and implement ways to achieve those goals in an expeditious and sensible manner.”