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并非每种色光都会反射回来。Every color is not reflected.

湖面映着树木的影像。The lake reflected the trees.

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它将会以瓦特的形式表现出来。It will be reflected in watts.

一个是镜中花。Or flowers reflected in a glass.

她的脸上辉映着天国的圣景。And Heaven reflected in her face.

我琢磨着迈克尔的这席话。I reflected on what Michael said.

所以我们还能推断出?And that will be reflected in what?

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两者都在雪豹操作系统中得到了反映。Both are reflected in Snow Leopard.

她的脸映现在镜子中。Her face was reflected in the mirror.

我已经认真思考了他的建议。I have reflected upon his suggestion.

她的脸映现在镜子里。Herr face was reflected in the mirror.

月球是藉反射阳光而发光的。The sunlight was reflected in the water.

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白晃晃的沙地反射出太阳的热气。The white sand reflected the sun's heat.

氖激光反射到了监狱栅栏上。NEON LASERS, reflected on the metal bars.

他看到了他那张倒映在水中的脸。He had caught sight of his reflected face.

似盘的月亮倒映在池塘里。The moon's disk was reflected in the pond.

李布兰想,过去的一年好长呵。It had, reflected Libran, been a long year.

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星期天我们休整一天,打扫卫生,还小结了一下。On Sunday we rested, cleaned up, reflected.

我思考这一天这纯粹的不可思议的一天。I reflected on the day--a day of pure magic.

一股反射和折射过来的柔和光线。A soft flow of reflected and refracted light.