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智慧的灵魂在于勇力。Brevity is the soul of wit.

简练是智慧的真髓。brevity is the soul of wit.

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美国式简历的关键是要简短。S. -style resume. Brevity is key.

删繁就简为所有人节约了时间。Enforcing brevity saves time for everyone.

我们怎样才能延长短促的人生?How can we endeavor to prolong the brevity of human life?

众所周知,简洁和可读性都好。It is a truism that both brevity and readability are good.

照聘员工要读数百封信,简短才是王道。Recruiters read hundreds of cover letters. Brevity is key.

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第二章,新闻语体的简洁性分析。The second chapter analyses the brevity of news stylistics.

与履历相比,美国式的简历强调简短。In contrast to a CV, a U. S. -style resume emphasizes brevity.

注意,出于简短说明的目的,很多XML元素都未经整理。Note that many of the XML elements have been pruned for brevity.

佩特曾说,生活中有一种“可畏的简洁”,科技亦是如此。As Pater said of life, there is an "awful brevity" to technology.

言以简为贵---威廉。莎士比亚,英国剧作家。Brevity is the soul of wit---William Shakespear, English dramatist.

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僧人草书的缺陷使得其影响非常短暂。IV. The limitation of monk cursive script makes its influence brevity.

但是,不要让这种简洁性欺骗了您,这段代码中有许多内容!But don't let its brevity fool you -- there's a lot going on in that code!

对于表现逻辑值的限定词,值部分可以忽略以节省字符。For a qualifier with a boolean value, the value part can be omitted for brevity.

法国许多铁路的交叉路口都配有一些警示标牌,上面书写着短小精辟的人生格言。IN FRANCE railway crossings are adorned with a small lesson for a life of gnomic brevity.

锦富知道简洁是偶像的女儿时,透露自己曾与简洁一家叁口合照。Jin fu know brevity is the daughter of idols, revealed he had with a concise three mouth.

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鼓动性、简洁性和针对性是广告英语修辞的三大特点。Agitation, brevity and pertinency are the three characteristics of advertisement rhetoric.

第三章,影响新闻语体简洁性变异因素。The third chapter analyzes the facts which affects the variation of news stylistics brevity.

请注意,出于简便的原因,例外处理和业务逻辑已经做了简化处理。Note that exception handling and business logic have been simplified for the sake of brevity.