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龙舌兰新科姆是过去和现在之间的联系。Mescal San Cosme is the link between past and present.

蓝色的龙舌兰通常会制造成蒸馏酒和麦斯卡尔酒。The blue maguey is used to make both tequila and mescal.

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圣科姆是一个龙舌兰在墨西哥和德国进口。San Cosme is a mescal made in Mexico and imported to Germany.

我把手里的龙舌兰一口吞了,喉咙里火辣辣的。I downed my shot of mescal. I could feel it burn in my throat.

他的早年生活变得跟恶名昭彰的龙舌兰虫一样疯狂?His early life path became as twisted as the notorious mescal worm.

墨西哥的一种植物,通常被用来制作龙舌兰酒——墨西哥的一种无色的麦斯卡尔酒。Mexican plant used especially for making pulque the source of the colorless Mexican liquor mescal.

刘春泉律师出席墨西哥龙舌兰酒品酒及推广会。On Sept 26th, 2005, Spring was invited to attend the mescal party held by Mexico Consulate Shanghai.

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其茎部的汁液有稍许甜味,经过压榨发酵后,可制成烈性的龙舌兰酒。Juice from the stem is somewhat sweet and can be pressed and fermented to make the fiery liquor mescal de sotol.

其茎部汁液微甜,经压榨发酵后,可制成烈性的麦斯卡尔龙舌兰酒。Juice from the stem is somewhat sweet and can be pressed and fermented to make the fiery liquor mescal de sotol.

以医疗诊断的实际情况为出发点,指出模糊数学对于病情判断的辅助作用。Using the fact of mescal diagnose as a start, the paper indicates the assistant Junction of fuzz maths to illness judgment.

我右边的一位放射线专家从桌上的酒堆里挑了一瓶龙舌兰,用一个干净的塑料杯倒了点。The radiologist on my right selected a bottle of mescal from the booze on the table and poured some into a clear plastic cup.