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什么是机构名称重合?What is institution name conflation?

但这是又一个将货币与资本混为一谈而得出的结论。But this is just another product of the conflation of money and capital.

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这些问题的研究丰富完善了地图合并技术的基本理论体系。These problems research has enriched the basic system info of map conflation.

有趣的观察,不过作者混淆了软件与模版这两个概念。This is an interesting observation, but it’s a conflation of software and templates.

但是,加密和身份的结合常常会给用户造成困难。However, the conflation of encryption with identification often leads to user confusion.

作为额外的性能改善,缓存会合并这些脏记录。As an additional performance improvement, the cache does conflation on these dirty records.

把货币和资本混为一谈是主流经济学思想的七寸。The conflation of money and capital is one of the crippling weaknesses of mainstream economic thought.

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合并意味着如果相同的记录被更新,或者在缓冲区内被多次标记为脏数据,则只保证最后一次更新。Conflation means if the same record is updated or dirtied multiple times within the buffering period then it only keeps the last update.

这就表现出天主教传统会争论在他们崇拜的玛丽亚里面,并没有人神异文合并。On this showing catholic traditionalists would argue that there is no conflation of the human and divine levels in their veneration of mary.

韩礼德经研究发现儿童语言的告知功能是在两岁以后出现的,它标志着抽象能力的形成,域重合开始出现。Halliday discovered that children's language informing function occur at the age of two, symbolizing the formation of their abstraction ability, that means the occurrence of domain conflation.