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她迷夨在爱情的欲望之中。She lost in the lust of love.

你的思想会被使用去思淫欲。Your mind can be used to lust.

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淫欲与平和无法共存。Lust and peace cannot co-exist.

他只不过用她来泄欲。He used her just to sate his lust.

呜…但若是没有情欲又何来爱情?Oooh but what is love without lust?

利欲使他不辨是非。He was blinded by the lust of lucre.

审慎的顾虑几乎被猖狂的欲念窒息。Is almost choked by unresisted lust.

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难道北约还没有满足他的血腥的欲望吗?Hasn't NATO slaked his lust for blood?

对光明的渴望从我的指缝流逝。Lust of light slips through my fingers.

但是乔布斯知道如何来激发强烈的物质欲望。But Jobs knew how to inspire material lust.

奴役、贪婪、恐惧、邪欲伴着你睡倒。Treason and Slavery, Rapine, Fear, and Lust.

一个人痴迷好色,害得多少人遭殃!And one man's lust these many lives confounds.

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该杀人犯满足了嗜杀欲了吗?Has this murderer slaked his lust for blood yet?

浪漫恋曲,或者叫爱欲阶段,是第一阶段。Romantic love or lust is the first stage of love.

你可以在一种渴望的状态下保持单向的意识。You can be very single- minded in a state of lust.

这两天不断的工作累得我真想睡觉。Two days of non-stop work has given me pillow lust.

或者,我们确实是这样,但我们还是会与其他人产生欲望。Or, maybe we do, but we also lust after someone else.

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他因一时成功而利令智昏。He is blinded by lust for gain because of his success.

至少,华尔街在自己贪财好色方面是诚实坦白的。At least Wall Street is honest about its greed and lust.

生命,爱,色是一部光彩夺目的爱和欲望的电影值得一看。Life Love Lust is a glorious film and well worth seeing.