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电话里亲亲你,真的,布丽姬特抽泣著.Kisses over the phone, indeed, Bridget sniffled.

布里奇特问他是否想查看一下那房屋。Bridget asked if he'd like to see over the house.

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布丽姬特任忍了一整天的眼泪流下来.Bridget let go of the tears she'd fought all day.

肖恩帮助布里奇特埋葬市长在花园里。Seán helped Bridget bury the mayor in the garden.

当布里吉特回到家,她问肖恩发生了什么事情。When Bridget came home, she asked Seán what had happened.

个人意识模糊不清、总是期待录音电话响起的布里奇特·琼斯。Bridget Jones of the wobbly ego and much-watched answering machine.

然后布里奇特告诉肖恩返回家中,并坐在火。Then Bridget told Seán to go back in the house and sit by the fire.

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布里奇特林奇,是国际助产士联合会主席。Bridget Lynch, is the president of the International Confederation of Midwives.

布丽姬特抱著女儿和她吻别说再见.Bridget held onto her daughter and kissed her one last time before saying goodbye.

在其中一幢楼房里,费利克从一位名叫布里奇特的爱尔兰妇女那里租了一间昏暗的房间。In one of buildings Feliks rented a dingy room from an Irish wom an called Bridget.

林奇说,布里奇特助产士没有得到应有的尊重,而且往往收入微薄。Bridget Lynch says midwives have not gotten the respect they deserve and are often poorly paid.

“红磨房”的女主角尼克儿。基德曼和主演“布里吉特-琼斯日记”的芮妮-齐薇格并列排在前面。Nicole Kidman in "Moulin Rouge" goes head to head with Renee Zellweger for "Bridget Jones's Diary, "

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布瑞尔的朋友布里奇特·费希尔,是一名费城诺娃大学19岁的学生。Brielle's friend Bridget Fisher, a 19-year-old student at Villanova University, Philadelphia, agrees.

世界排名第二的美国运动员斯鲁安获得铜牌。她的分数比乔瑞低0.575分。The second-placed qualifier Bridget Sloan of the United States took the bronze, 0.575 adrift of Joura.

布里吉特皮克特,谁向记者司在威尔夏警察局,布朗预订。Bridget Pickett, who spoke to reporters at the Wilshire Division police station, where Brown was booked.

这则短片讲的是拳师犬巴斯特和小女孩布丽奇特的神奇故事。The new advert tells the magical story of a dog called Buster the Boxer and a little girl named Bridget.

了所有的困难,对冬天越过丛山的主意泼了一瓢冷水。Bridget poured cold water on the idea of crossing the mountains in winter, pointing out all the difficulties.

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男人不喜欢女人玩的东西,他们宁愿吃玻璃也不愿看肥皂剧。Men don't like women's entertainment. I'd rather eat glass than watch Bridget Jones, but I've watched it for sex.

她和一群朋友看到了上世纪50年代布里奇特芭铎在戛纳冒险性的试穿了这种新奇服装的照片。She and a group of friends saw pictures of Bridget Bardot sporting this strange new garment in Cannes in the 1950s.

圣布里奇特修了一座比芭芭拉修的桥还大的桥,但是芭芭拉修的桥比圣布里奇特修的桥好。Bridget builds bigger bridges than Barbara, but the bridges Barbara builds are better than the bridges Bridget builds.