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我的眼镜一直模糊起来。My glasses kept clouding up.

他眼前云遮雾罩。And now, his sight was clouding over.

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天空转阴了,今夭下午也许会下雨。It's clouding up. maybe it'll rain this afternoon.

债务问题并非给退休前景蒙上阴影的惟一一片乌云。Debt isn't the only issue clouding retirement prospects.

外面阴云四布,湖上阴暗下来。It was clouding over outside and the lake was darkening.

用于夜盲症,白内障,角膜云翳。Being used in night blindness, cataract, corneal clouding.

白内障就是眼睛的晶状体上有阴影或者浑浊。A cataract is a clouding or dulling of the lens in the eye.

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该疾病会在角膜上出现灰黑白色线条、圆圈或混浊。It appears as grayish white lines, circles, or clouding of the cornea.

这种浑浊是由角膜瓣下角膜组织的炎症反应所造成的。This clouding can be caused by an inflammation under the flap of cornea tissue.

一到夏天,树木蓊郁,浓荫蔽日,荷花盛开,荷香袭人。In summer, lush trees, shaded, lotus, lotus blooming always clouding the incense.

本文提出了用白光获得板面曲率的显色云纹方法。A colour clouding method for measuring surface curvature using white light is given.

塑化剂代替了棕榈油作为饮料中的混浊剂。Among other things, plasticisers were substituted for palm oil as clouding agents in drinks.

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这里所见棕黄色混浊物是急性脑膜炎的渗出物。The yellow-tan clouding of the meninges seen here is due to an exudate from acute meningitis.

有某种因素正遮蔽着未来,而武士团与原力的联系正在减弱。Something was clouding the future, and the order's very connection to the Force was weakening.

今天,斯蒂夫.乔布斯予以了反击,争论到那些名词只是一个烟雾弹,掩盖了“真正的问题”。Today Steve Jobs hit back, arguing those terms are just a "smokescreen" clouding the "real issue."

蒸汽清洗油管可能导致混浊或变色这将不会影响其性能。Steam-cleaning tubing may result in clouding or discoloration which will not affect its performance.

他们都在一起的时候和他们彼此分开的时候都能抛来咒符,驱散笼罩在天空下的乌云。All of them together and each of them apart can cast a spell that dispels whatever gray is clouding a day.

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这是在2005年发现的,但是火星上的尘埃挡住了飞船的一些部件,使得数据不够清晰。This was in 2005, but Martian dust had partially blinded one of the rover's instruments, clouding the data.

实际上,无论决策者还是普通的公众,目前的判断都存在着五大误解。In fact, five great misconceptions are still clouding the judgment of policy makers and the public at large.

一些溶剂、反应气体,还有牲畜粪便产生的毒素,都使空气变得更浑浊。Further clouding the air are solvents and other reactive gases — as well as toxins contributed by livestock feces.