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当然也存在额外的停止信号。There is also a superfluity of stop signals.

“业余爱好”也是多余的。“Leisure and hobbies” is another superfluity.

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玉米是必需品,银子只是多余的。Corn is a necessary, silver is only a superfluity.

财富只是我们并不需要的多余之物。Wealth is simply a superfluity of what we don't need.

此本书中有多余的介绍和摘要。This book has a superfluity of introductions and summaries.

在培养基中不需要额外添加谷氨酰胺和非必需氨基酸。Glutamine and nonessential amino acids do no need to add superfluity.

把机智看得重于见解,就等于把奢侈看得重于实用。To place wit above sense is to place superfluity above utility. -Mad. de.

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就目前来讲,多余指定原则仍有待于进一步完善和发展。So far, the principle of superfluity establishing needs to be further completed and developed.

以铝电解槽阴极表面温度和烟气中的空气过剩系数为主要控制参数。The main object to control is the temperature distribution of the coke baked cathode and the air superfluity coefficient in the fume.

既然我们有从过剩的资讯中寻找模式的癖好,就不难了解,有太多的模式都属于这种编码的废话。Given our propensity to look for patterns in a superfluity of data, is it any wonder that so many are taken in by such codified claptrap?

通过分析可知,最优定制程度的确定受顾客对定制产品的额外需求以及个性化成本两方面因素的影响。Through the analysis, the most optimal customized level is influenced by superfluity demand of customized products and cost of customization.

我们把柔顺的和蓬松的称之为崇高,而把光滑的和粗糙的称之为泛情。Of all these it is the combed and the shaggy that we call sublime, while calling glossy and unkempt those that have a superfluity of resonance.

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所以你们要脱去一切的污秽,和盈馀的邪恶,存温柔的心领受那所栽种的道,就是能救你们灵魂的道。Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

在重视实证、热证易导致小儿积滞的同时,不能忽略虚证、寒症。Deficiency syndrome and cold syndrome cannot be ignored at the same as emphasizing superfluity syndrome and warm syndrome which caused children indigestion easily.

我国的司法实践既不应简单地排除多余指定理论或者非必要技术特征理论也不能使专利权保护范围的确定变得过于灵活。The judicial practice of China should not simply exclude superfluity establishing theories or indispensable technical features and should not make patent protection more flexible.