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丹尼阿格尔将是另一个重要的缺席。Daniel Agger is the other noticeable absentee.

丹尼尔-阿格将会缺席至少两至三周的比赛。Daniel Agger will be out for at least two or three more weeks.

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本。阿格尔是“生态学马克思主义”的典型代表人物。Bon. Agger is typical representative character of "Eco-Marxism".

“阿格尔的续约已经接近尾声了,他正在与俱乐部进行谈判。”贝尼特斯说。"Agger is very close and he is talking with the club, " said Benitez.

阿格尔在这个赛季他参加的比赛中发挥得很出色。Daniel Agger has done very well in the games he has played this season.

周六对桑德兰的比赛奥雷里奥和阿格很有可能首发。It is likely that Aurelio and Agger will feature at Sunderland on Saturday.

现在我已准备好参加比赛,因为丹尼尔·阿格受伤的缘故。"I am going to get games now because Daniel Agger is injured, " said Hyypia.

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阿格透露,主教练贝尼特斯此番也没有承诺要让自己获得多少次上场机会。And Agger has revealed how Benitez made no promises about when he would play.

他与阿格能否出场都还是未知数,但或许阿格尔上场的可能性会更大一些。He and Agger are maybes but perhaps it will be easier for Agger than for Benayoun.

丹尼尔·阿格今天表达了他对于终于可以回到一线队的喜悦之情。Daniel Agger today spoke of his delight at finally closing in on a first team return.

“能够代表利物浦出场达到百场令我非常骄傲,”阿格面对官网时表示。"To play 100 games for Liverpool is a big thing for me, " Agger told Liverpoolfc. tv.

贝尼特斯今天表示,阿格将在近日正式复出。Rafael Benitez has today been boosted by the return to fitness of defender Daniel Agger.

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让阿格格担心的是,丹麦国人们对他和他的队友期望过高。One concern for Agger is the Danish public expecting too much from him and his teammates.

阿格尔与主教练之间有隙,他在安菲尔德仅仅只是作为替补偶尔得到出场机会。Agger is a loggerheads with his coach as he has been used as a bit-part player at Anfield.

除托雷斯以外,队内的几名核心如杰拉德、库伊特和阿格这样的球员也都和球队续了约。The new deal for Torres follows agreements with Steven Gerrard, Dirk Kuyt and Daniel Agger.

回归梅尔伍德训练的丹尼尔-阿格已经给贝尼特斯一剂强心剂。Daniel Agger has given boss Rafael Benitez a major boost by returning to training at Melwood.

我知道阿格现在踢左后卫,但我们唯一一个正牌左后卫就是饼干。I know Daniel Agger has filled in there but the only recognised one we had was Fabio Aurelio.

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利物浦主帅拉法贝尼特斯要求俱乐部为德克库伊特和丹尼尔阿格尔提供新合同。Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez wants the club to sort out new deals for Dirk Kuyt and Daniel Agger.

“对阵维冈的比赛能够首发我很高兴,这就是我所期待的。”阿格说。"I was pleased to start the game against Wigan, it was what I have been waiting for, " said Agger.

门兴格拉德巴赫正在试图租借利物浦的后卫丹尼尔-阿格到自己的阵中。Borussia Moenchengladbach are lining up a cheeky bid to take Liverpool defender Daniel Agger on loan.