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我们相信这个是危险的。We believe this at our peril.

但如果你敢小看他,那你可得风险自负。But underestimate him at your peril.

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这个黑社会组织是当地的一股祸水。The underworld is a peril to the area.

在危难的时刻人人都只顾自己。Each one for himself in times of peril.

但是现在,这些计划似乎都岌岌可危。But now those plans appear to be in peril.

研究者再忽视他们是很危险的。And researchers ignore them at their peril.

但是我们在这次险境中并没有注意到这个教训。And we fail to heed that lesson at our peril.

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楚国的危亡和百姓的痛苦,屈原痛不欲生。Chu people of peril and suffering, pain Yuan.

西方企业忽略了这一背景,给自己埋下了后患。Companies ignore this background at their peril.

那只船有立即撞沉的危险。The ship was in imminent peril of being wrecked.

目前,美好未来的前景正在受到威胁。Today, the promise of a better future is in peril.

这辆自行车没闸--你要骑可太危险了。The bicycle has no brakes you ride it at your peril.

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这里的安全局势确实充满危险。The security situation is indeed fraught with peril.

但是投资者在冒险中忽略了对失败价值的衡量。But investors ignore fair-value measures at their peril.

普鲁斯和杰克森平安地脱离危险。Bruce and Jackson escaped from the peril in a whole skin.

俄罗斯的政治家们已经开始利用对“黄祸”的恐惧。Already, Russian politicians exploit the "yellow peril" fear.

不过貌合神离的合作关系充满着许多危机。But these odd-couple relationships can be fraught with peril.

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他告诉我们说我们乘那条旧船出去风险很大。He told us we would be taking that old boat out at our peril.

流放犯已被禁止返回,违者处死。The exiles were forbidden to return at the peril of their lives.

过去造就了我们现在的样子,我们忘掉它是危险的。The past made us what we are now, and we forget it at our peril.