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在这的每一个人都有痛苦但我们会处理它!Everyone inhere has pain but we deal with it!

健康价值是内在价值与工具价值的统一。Vaule of health is the unity of inhere vaule and tool vaule.

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应用于铝、锌或薄壁工件的表面喷抛处理,对工件表面具有显著的增白效果。For example Al, Zn or thin wall prts and so on, inhere the obvious white effect.

在面对生存固有的有限性时,鲁迅以他特有的热情和精神拒绝了平庸。When he faced lifes inhere finity, he has his special passion and special spirit.

作者要写出好的作品,必须具有驾驭语言文字的能力和技巧。The authors to write benign opuses must inhere the capability and skill of reining the language.

本文就如何对原有建筑物的增层加高问题进行了详细的叙述,并提出在加高后应考虑的几个方面。This paper states the problem adding floor on inhere building and bring forward several aspects to think over.

镁合金和异种金属的连接能够发挥各自材料的固有特性。The connection of the magnesium alloy and hetero metal can bring into play each material's inhere characteristic.

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只要教学得当,原有的课程内容也能在一定程度上支持学生研究性学习的开展。To some extent , inhere course contents can support the implement of research study so long as it is teached properly.

实质上,在和谐社会背景下的社会主义中国,亲和力是警察权的应有特质。In fact, under the background of a harmonious society, the affinity is the inhere characteristic of the police power in China.

虽然伊瑟尔更彻底地将读者带入解释过程,他并没有将意义重心置于读者之中。Although Iser brings the reader more fully into the interpretive process, he does not find the locus of meaning to inhere in the reader.

不动产善意取得的性质为继受取得,它为有效解决不动产善意取得物上原有负担问题提供了合理解释。Estate bona-fide possession is derivative acquisition, which is good for reasonably resolving the inhere burden of bona-fide acquisition.

她从钱包里摸出一张纸条,那上面有她父亲对这次旅行详细说明,她把这张纸条交给了搬运工。She felt inhere handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down al the details of the journey and gave it to the porter.

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与原有神经网络盲均衡算法相比较,仿真结果表明本算法收敛速度加快,均方误差减小。Compared with inhere neural algorithm, results of the simulation show that the new algorithm has faster convergence speed and lower square error.

这两个层次的分离同时也带出一个乌托邦面向,透过时间的颠倒来辨认过去记忆中所含的,未来的希望。This separation, in turn, points to a utopian dimension, an underside of time where futuristic intimations of hope inhere in memories of the past.

大型弱联系的电力系统本身固有的薄弱的自然阻尼使得电力系统之间有时会产生自发的低频振荡现象。Large-scale power systems in infirm interconnections which inhere weak natural damping sometimes bring a low frequency self-oscillation phenomenon.

这套设备不仅改善了原罐道绳拉紧的不足,而且实现了罐道绳自检自调智能化运行。This device not only improves deficiency of inhere cage path rope, but also achieves cage path rope self-detect and self-modulate intelligentize run.

本文分析了形状作为目标的一种固有特征的各种表达方法,并从基于区域和基于边界两个方面讨论了形状的各种描述方法。This paper analyzes several expressions about shape as an inhere character of objects, and discusses each description of shape based on area and edge.

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文学批评和解释学领域发生最大变化的是关于意义究竟存在于何处的问题。The most significant change that has occurred in the field of literary criticism and hermeneutics is in where the locus of meaning is perceived to inhere.

并且当漩涡脱落频率与杆件的固有频率接近时,杆件会产生漩涡脱落共振或称涡激共振。Besides, in case the vortex shedding frequency is equal to a inhere frequency of rod, the rod will arises the vortex shedding resonance or called vortex resonance.

对电磁悬浮平台进行了的静态悬浮实验,获得了较好的悬浮效果,对平台的起浮特性进行了测试,通过冲击响应的频谱分析预估了系统一阶固有频率。The test for static characteristic was taken including the start of levitation which had a nicer result. And the inhere frequency of the upper stage was calculated.