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不过埃米尔还有机会。But Emile will get another chance.

刚好落在英国队10号前,然而球滚向了埃米尔·赫斯基。It was just ahead of England's No 10 but rolled on to Emile Heskey.

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刚好落在英国队10号前,然而球滚向了埃米尔·赫斯基。It was just ahead of England’s No 10 but rolled on to Emile Heskey.

社会的秩序和整合问题一直是涂尔干的理论关注点。Emile Durkheim's theoretic interest always focused on social order and integration.

“事情很复杂”,巴黎KB咨询公司主席卡利姆·埃米尔·比塔尔表示。It’s complicated, " says Karim Emile Bitar, the president of KB Consulting in Paris.

有意识的思想就象太阳的中心,能够帮助潜意识的思想突破重重阻碍。As Emile Coué puts it—"The conscious can put the subconscious mind over the hurdles."

大家都把托雷斯称为“白赫斯基”,我觉得这对赫斯基是很不公平的。People have dubbed Fernando Torres "the white Emile Heskey" but I don't think that's fair.

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侯利亚打电话予这傢伙,他是名记者,并就他对希斯基的批评发出连声咒骂。Houllier had rung this guy, a journalist, to give him a volley about criticism of Emile Heskey.

也许迈克儿有赫斯基在身边可以赢得更多进球,但是赫斯基却没有打进多少,迈克儿包办了一切。Michael might score more with Emile Heskey but Emile hasn't scored many goals. Michael got them all.

英国人约翰?诺思伍德和法国人加莱在19世纪晚期复兴了这项艺术。The art was revived by John Northwood in England and émile Gallé in France in the late 19th century.

尽管在下半场早期浪费了破门良机,赫斯基依然胸有成竹。Despite squandering a fine chance early in the second-half, Emile Heskey was also resolutely on-message.

我挑了本左拉的书,我捧着书站在那里,试图回忆起很久以前读过的一段文字。I picked up an Emile Zola book and stood there holding it, waiting to remember something I had read long ago.

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地球物理学家埃米尔.欧卡尔认为智利地震产生的海啸其实真的不算小。Geophysicist Emile Okal agreed that the the tsunami spawned by the Chile earthquake wasn't really all that small.

社会分层理论有三个来源,马克思、韦伯和涂尔干都为社会分层理论作出了贡献。The social class theory have three sources, Karl Marx, Max Weber and Emile Durkheim all have contributed in these.

上百位黎巴嫩学生点燃火炬,展开户外静坐,要求总统拉赫德下台。Hundreds of Lebanese students start their open sit-in to demand the resignation of Lebanese President Emile Lahoud.

这样就给了韦恩·鲁尼更多从埃米尔·赫斯基身旁向纵深活动的机会或者与史蒂芬·杰拉德在位置上形成交叉互换。This gave Wayne Rooney licence to drift deeper, penetrate alongside Emile Heskey or interchange with Steven Gerrard.

像这样的机会,从前英格兰的一位著名球员,阿兰舒利亚,和埃米尔一样,也推崇使用劲射。With chances like those, one of the greatest England scorers ever, Alan Shearer, advocated thumping it, as Emile did.

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红军主帅拉法贝尼特斯成为,他很“惊讶”会传出求购维冈竞技队前锋赫斯基的消息。Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez admits he was 'surprised' to be linked with a bid for Wigan Athletic striker Emile Heskey.

对英格兰,鲁尼很享受和赫斯基或者克劳奇搭档的日子。For England, Rooney enjoys life best when a big, back-to-goal striker such as Emile Heskey or Peter Crouch is his foil.

利物浦再次和突袭埃米利·赫斯基联系起来,但是阿斯顿维拉主帅马丁·奥尼尔不想卖掉老黑。Liverpool are again being linked with a swoop for Emile Heskey but Aston Villa boss Martin O'Neill does not want to sell.