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火鸡万岁!Viva la turkey!

学生也将捍卫自己的研究一万岁。Students are also expected to defend their research in a viva.

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“拉斯维加斯万岁”和“监狱摇滚”包括在电影中。"Viva Las Vegas" and "Jailhouse Rock, " were among the movies.

本节目的内容并不反映非凡美乐的意见。The content of this programme does not represent the view of Musica Viva Limited.

当你考虑计划生育问题时,确保买到Viva避孕套并安全放置。Keep it safe and be sure to buy Viva condoms when you’re choosing your birth control!

沃佳诺娃工作得很开心,她是Viva代理公司的梦想客户,也是一个鼓舞人心的女人。Delighted to work, she was a dream client for the Viva agency and was an inspired woman.

“墨西哥万岁”是墨西哥“独立之父”米格尔·伊达戈尔1810年发出的战斗口号的“现代版”。"Viva Mexico! "is a current-day twist on rebel priest Miguel Hidalgo's original call to arms in 1810.

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在Xbox360上,乐园里的麻烦是以实时视角来解析皮纳塔乐园游戏卡的特殊编码的。Trouble in Paradise on the 360 uses the Live Vision Camera to interpret special codes on Viva Piñata trading cards.

另一个相似的例子是李小鹏,他也是前体操界的名将,现在是非凡中国控股有限公司董事长。Another similar case is Li Xiaopeng. The former Chinese gymnast is now the President of Viva China Holdings Limited.

现代迈尔医学维娃中心是一个了不起的奥地利排毒中心,我家称之为臀部诊所。The Viva Centre for Modern Mayr Medicine is a marvellous Austrian detox centre, known in my house as the Bottom Clinic.

两江道的一名干部说,一些人听到这个消息后连声欢呼“万岁”,而一些人至今仍半信半疑。A cadre of two river channels, said some people heard the news repeatedly cheered, "Viva", and some people are still skeptical.

位于透明万岁商业区,危地马拉美景皇家酒店是瓜地马拉城的一个豪华酒店的一个很好的选择。Located in the Zona Viva business district, Hotel Vista Real Guatemala is an excellent choice for a Guatemala City luxury hotel.

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2010年2月1日-派克公司推出了其先进技术驱动器装置,利用了VIVA压电技术。February 1, 2010 – Parker Hannifin unveiled its Advanced Technology Actuator device which utilizes the VIVA Piezoelectric technology.

修改,排版,打印,装订,最后填好一份表格,获得导师顾问的签字,系主任的签字之后,再提交到大学办公室。After correcting, typesetting, printing, and biding, fulfill the Viva form, get supervisor's signature, and submit to the Registrar of Faculty of Arts.

还有一个机构的想法说,这乐骋是一样的汽车称为万岁这是一个溢价等微型匹敌的本田城市。There is also a body of thought which says this Aveo is the same as a car called the Viva which is a premium subcompact rivalling the likes of the Honda City.

弗格森,男的C化妆品'万岁格南发言人表示,推出她的新万岁格南六特别版口红和新万岁格南广告在本周洛杉矶。Fergie, M·A·C Cosmetics' Viva Glam spokesperson, debuted her new Viva Glam VI Special Edition Lipstick and new Viva Glam advertising campaign in Los Angeles this week.

“墨西哥万岁”是墨西哥“独立之父”米格尔•伊达戈尔1810年发出的战斗口号的“现代版”。墨西哥于1821年摆脱西班牙殖民统治,实现独立。"Viva Mexico! " is a current-day twist on rebel priest Miguel Hidalgo's original call to arms in 1810. Mexicans eventually achieved their independence from Spain in 1821.

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工程师们彻夜施工将96米的金属片置于622米深的通道顶部,并于当地时间凌晨3时完工,人们欢呼高喊着“万岁!”Engineers worked through the night to lay 96 metres of sheet metal at the top of the 622-metre tunnel, finishing at 3am local time, prompting cheers and shouts of "Viva Chile!".

上述结果说明2-酮戊二酸作为一种效应物可能与GS、HXK结合,从而在体内、体外都促进了它们的活性。This suggested that 2-oxoglutarate, which was neither their substrate nor their product, maybe as an effector of GS and HXK to promote their activities both in viva and in vitro.

周一一大早,口喊“智利万岁”的工人们完成了强化道路的钢管安装。这条道路是救援者打算用来把受困井下的矿工提升到地面上用的。Earlier Monday, workers cheering "Viva Chile" completed the installation of steel tubing to reinforce the path that rescuers plan to use to hoist the trapped miners to the surface.