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那沙砾产金量高。The gravel pans well.

砂砾上有阳光的味道。Smell of sun on gravel.

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我们双脚嘎吱做声地踩着碎石子。Our feet crunched the gravel.

她的脚喀嚓喀嚓地踩在沙砾上。Her feet scrunch on the gravel.

我沿着湖边的碎石路走去。I walked along the lake gravel.

飞来的石子把门砸凹了。Flying gravel had dinged the door.

砾石常用来筑路。Gravel is much used for road-making.

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沙砾搅着泥浆。The gravel was puddling with the mud.

他那辆老爷车在砾石路上颠簸行驶。His old car bumped down the gravel road.

水正渗透进碎石底层。The water is infiltrating the gravel bed.

我和其他人产即卧道在碎石上。I and other people immediately hit the gravel.

千层石造景有的层中夹砾石。Melaleuca stone and gravel layer in some scene.

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碎石在车轮下沙沙作响。The gravel crunched under the wheels of the car.

地面平坦,铺着又细又硬的砂砾。It was le vel, and covered with fine hard gravel.

一进院子,是条直通房门的石子路。Entered the yard is a gravel road through the door.

詹姆斯-道尔顿高速公路是长414英里的碎石路。The James Dalton Highway is a 414-mile gravel road.

我们在黑暗中,在松软的砂砾上不停地走啊走。We walk on and on in the dark over the loose gravel.

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“拉加拉”是当地方言中的“砂石”。"La Jara" is in local dialect the name for "gravel".

卡车把两卡车砾石倾倒在车道口。The truck dumped two loads of gravel on the driveway.

转角有太多碎石,我就滑倒了。There was too much gravel on that corner. I slid out.