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爱米利娅跟我一样清白!呸!不要脸!Emilia. As I! foh! fie upon thee!

那店员用领带换皮带。The clerk exchanged the fie for a belt.

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外商投资企业必须在其投资经营许可证的规定。A FIE must operate in accordance with its investment license.

杰克为戴西做了一个特别的派,里面装满了奇妙的馅。Jack is cooking a special fie for Daisy, with a surprise filling.

圣吉博士在书中描述了对于学习型组织的至关重要的五项修炼。Senge describes fie "disciplines" that are ital for a learning organization.

在中国度过的这五天,令人愉快,难以忘怀。The past fie days in China hae been truly pleasant and enjoyable and most memorable.

在外商投资房地产企业的外方和国内投资者间,不允许固定利率规定条款。No fixed-return provision is allowed among foreign and domestic investors in a real estate FIE.

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经常房事,甚至一星期五次的夫妻更容易怀孕。Couples, who hae frequent intercourse, up to fie times per week, seem to get pregnant the fastest.

FIE的女发言人称,“事实很清楚,判决都是按照规则和FIE的规定做出的。”"Thedecision was according to the rules and FIE regulations, and it wasclear, " the spokeswoman said.

由外商投资企业进口,贸易及分销服务,被限制在越南制造的产品。Importing, trading and distribution services by the FIE are restricted to products manufactured in Vietnam.

一位三资企业员工取得年度奖金RMB52,000,个人所得税按以下方式计算。An employee working for an FIE is paid a year-end bonus of RMB52,000. The liability for IIT is computed as below.

它高达216米,拱形的顶部长达470米。It stands at two hundred and sixteen meters high and the crest of its arch has is four hundred and seventy fie meters long.

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研究结果表明,大庆长垣深部有一个巨大的气田,它不断地向长垣补充着天然气。The results shows that there is a giant gas field in the deep of Daqing Changyuan which continuously added natural gas fie.

在过去的5年中,两性霉素治疗相关的并发症的发生得到了进一步的降低。In the past fie years, there has been an incremental reduction in the morbidity associated with empirical amphotericin therapy.

该章还借鉴了各国的立法实践,对外商投资企业的出资制度作了进一步的评述。This part also introduces the legal practice in various countries and further comments on the capital contribution system of FIE.

雇员应服从公司的相关安排。雇员应与新成立的外商投资企业签订与本合同期限及条款规定一致的劳动合同。The Employee shall enter into a labour contract with the new FIE with the same duration and terms and conditions set out in this Contract.

从远离呼吸性支气管的气道的正常组织中得到的结果,五种不同的可重复的微观模式可得到确认。Fie distinct reproducible microscopic patterns were recognized in the normal areas from the trachea down to the more distal respiratory bronchi.

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健康志愿者接受心智锻炼能够促进其记忆,推理和心智运算能力,这种效果五年后仍能使其获益。Healthy seniors who underwent "mental training" to boost memory, reasoning and mental processing were still reaping the rewards fie years later.

根据外国投资的不同性质,外商投资企业可以分为中外合作企业和外商独资企业两种性质。Depending on the nature of this foreign investment, an FIE is either classed as being a foreign co-operative joint venture or a wholly owned foreign enterprise.

结合涠洲油田海底管道修复工程的实例,介绍海底双重保温管道的水下维修技术。In the paper, the underwater repair technique for double insulation pipe is introduced based on the underwater repair project of sub-sea pipeline in Weizhou oil fie ld.