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含有乳糖和无麸质食品。A lactose and gluten-free product.

乳糖产生葡萄糖和半乳糖。Lactose gives glucose and galactose.

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乳糖是今朝还没有在年夜豆为根底的公式。Lactose is also not present in soy-based formulas.

乳糖是牛奶中的天然糖分。Lactose is a naturally occurring sugar found in milk.

也就是说,它使细胞对乳糖变成可渗透的。In other words, it makes the cell permeable to lactose.

有乳糖不耐症和牛奶过敏的人。People who are lactose intolerant or have a milk allergy.

本品是一种改善乳糖不耐症的制剂。The product is a preparation for improving lactose intolerance.

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Sung有乳糖不耐症,而且医生叫他吃低盐食物。Sung is lactose intolerant and his doctor put him on a low-salt diet.

如果你属于乳糖不耐受人群,就需要选择添加乳糖分解酵素补充剂。If you are lactose intolerant, you might want to try lactase supplements.

乳糖就是一个二聚体的实例,它是由葡萄糖和半乳糖组成的。Lactose is an example of a dimer, as it is made of glucose and galactose.

唯一的问题就是它是含乳糖的,而我是不接受乳糖的。The only problem is that it is lactose-based and I am lactose intolerant.

在面筋或乳糖存在应清楚地提及在标签上。The presence of gluten or lactose should clearly be mentioned on the label.

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乳糖可以作为基因工程重组蛋白的理想诱导剂。Lactose might be an ideal inducer for the expression of recombinant protein.

我有乳糖不耐症。别忘了还有男性型秃发。Uh, there's the lactose intolerance. Don't forget the male-pattern baldness.

比如说,乳糖不耐症引起肠胃不适和胀气,这并非过敏。For example, the gas and stomach pain of lactose intolerance? Not an allergy.

乳糖不耐症是常见的,特别是在非欧洲裔人口。Lactose intolerance is particularly common in non-European ethnic populations.

乳糖不耐症是指乳糖吸收功能障碍,这些乳糖存在于牛奶中。Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk.

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用乳糖过敏豆奶来喂养婴儿绝对是一个灾难。Feeding babies with a so-called lactose allergy soy milk is an absolute disaster.

例如,如果一个孩子有一肚子的错误,他可能会被乳糖不能容忍一个星期。For example, if a child has a stomach bug, he may be lactose intolerant for a week.

制粒方法为地黄稠浸膏与乳糖混匀,真空干燥后制粒。The dense extract and lactose were mixed fully, then granulate after vacuum drying.