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抱怨的信件源源而来。Letters of complaint poured in.

我们没有理由怨天尤人。We have no cause for complaint.

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你没有理由发牢骚。You have no cause of complaint.

投诉的信件潮涌般寄来。Letters of complaint flooded in.

但让我们稍微放一下这些反对之词。But let's just bracket that complaint.

我有心脏病的老毛病。I have an old complaint with my heart.

我老婆的抱怨简直搞得我不得安宁。My wife's complaint really drugged me.

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他们每位叽哩咕噜地抱怨。Each of them rumbled out his complaint.

她已经向警察局呈递了诉状。She has lodged a complaint with the police.

我们已收到一封抗议信。We are in receipt of a letter of complaint.

要是投诉是关于价格太高,该如何处理?What if the complaint is about high prices?

英格丽德说她将提出控告。Ingrid said that she would file a complaint.

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负责产品寿命投诉的处理。Deal with the product life-related complaint.

他一声不吭地忍住了疼痛。He bore the pain without a word of complaint.

我们已将您的投诉送交给我们的供货人。We have refer your complaint to our supplier.

我最大的抱怨是那个反高潮的结局。My main complaint is the anti-climatic ending.

我认为,在内部有一个投诉。I think in-house and have a complaint about it.

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商场对我们的投诉信没有给予回复。The mall gave no reply to our complaint letter.

我的医生对每一种病都开阿斯匹林。My doctor prescribes aspirin for every complaint.

你竟拿你的歌来屈就我的怨艾?。That thou shouldst stoop my song to my complaint?