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最好不过的是唐莴苣,可以很容易地在花盆中种植。Best yet, Swiss chard in particular is extremely easy to grow in pots.

像菠菜、甜菜、牛皮菜等蔬菜同样如此。The same is true for a few vegetables like spinach, beet greens, and Swiss chard.

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它同饲用甜菜或牛皮菜的亲缘很近,两年生,通常栽培在冷凉的气候条件下。It's related to mangel and chard. It's a biennial and is. usually grown in a cool climate.

在萨默塞特郡查得农场大约1000万只七星瓢虫出现在农田里并“安营扎寨”。And in Chard in Somerset around 10 million ladybirds have descended on farmland and set up home.

在下一圈,种植绿色蔬菜如菠菜、唐莴苣、芥菜或芥蓝菜。In the next layer plant your greens such as spinach swiss chard mustard greens or collard greens.

其中钙含量最高的是甘蓝菜,芥菜,菠菜和唐莴苣。The highest calcium content is found in collard greens, mustard greens, spinach, and swiss chard.

今季最后收成的几棵君达菜,右边一棵足足有六磅多重。The last three swiss chard for this season. The one on right side is very big and more than 6 lbs.

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瑞士甜菜和烤牛排和鸡是好搭配,也可以铺在煎鱼的下面。Chard goes great with grilled steaks and chicken, and it also works well as a bed for pan-seared fish.

首府查尔朱位于列巴普州的中心地带,坐落于阿姆河的左岸,铁路和公路连接查尔朱?The capital of the state chard zhou is located in central land of lebap state on left bank of amu river.

现在,科学的讲,藜是深色绿叶植物的种子,它是像瑞士菜和菠菜那样的。Now, technically speaking, Quinoa is the seed of a dark leafy green plant that's related to Swiss chard and spinach.

除此之外,这种蔬菜也有很高的维生素A、K和C含量,这些都是抗老化的维生素。Swiss chard is also high in vitamins A, K and C, which all happen to be vitamins associated with overall anti-aging.

莫顿想确保来自转基因作物的花粉不会让他的甜菜受精。Morton wants a guarantee that pollen from those genetically engineered beets will not fertilize his chard or red beets.

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多叶蔬菜,例如沙拉苦味剂、菠菜、甘蓝菜、唐莴苣或其它绿叶蔬菜含有这种维生素A。This form of vitamin A is found in leafy vegetables such as salad bitters , spinach, kale, swiss chard or other greens.

维生素K自然产生于绿叶蔬菜中,如羽衣甘蓝、菠菜、芥菜和绿叶羽衣甘蓝、唐莴苣和欧芹中。Vitamin K is found naturally in leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach 14, mustard and collard greens, swiss chard and parsley.

当油起烟时,把瑞士甜菜放进去,煎5至7分钟,直至叶片和茎变软,再把大蒜挑出,用盐和胡椒调味。Sauté for 5 to 7 minutes, until the leaves wilt and the stems are tender. Remove the garlic cloves and season the chard with salt and pepper.

很明显他们还没有在自己的地里发现我的红甜菜或金甜菜,我也没有在我的地里发现他们的基因作物。Apparently they aren't finding any of my red chard or golden chard seed in their sugar beets, and I'm not finding any of their genetics in mine.

对农民来说,就是先到先得,如果你现在地里种上了甜菜,没人会在你周围三英里范围内再种瑞士甜菜。For farmers, it's first come, first served — if you "pin" a sugar beet field, nobody else is supposed to grow seed for Swiss chard within three miles.

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我在红叶甜菜地里锄一会儿草,那里的土比较松软,我听了一会儿周围的鸟鸣,为春天的到来将它们的要求围在此地。现在樱桃花到处都开放了。I weeded for a while amongst the chard where the ground was softer and listened to the song birds singing all around, staking their claims on the plots for the arrival of spring.