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1公顷合15市亩。A hectare is equal to 15 mu.

他们平整土地5000亩。They levelled 5000 mu of land.

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这是小木给我的。This is what Small Mu gives me.

加上n,xB混合物的μB Plus n xB mu B in the mixture.

临渊慕鱼,不如退而结网。Pro Yuan Mu fish Than retreat webs.

这让我想起了杜牧的一首诗。This reminds me of a poem by Du Mu.

他一气儿平了十四亩地。He levelled 14 mu of land at one go.

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他是李慕白的拜把兄弟。He was a brother to Li Mu Bai by oath.

欢迎光临水木年华沐浴休闲俱乐部。Welcome to Shui Mu Nian Hua Bath Club.

这里的粮食亩产量是多少?What is the per mu yield of grain here?

这里的粮食亩产是多少?。What is the yield of grain per mu here?

安妮被转移到马德里竞技在穆?。Arda Atletico Madrid'e Transfer Oldu Mu?

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慕她之名,年轻的国王派来了使者。Mu her name, young king sent a messenger.

有屋数间,有田数亩。A roof number, number of mu between field.

同样是为了尊重木氏土司。Also as a way of respect for Chieftain Mu.

毛姆大婶摇头拒绝。The hair Mu big Shen quakes brain brush-off.

我丈夫通常说话慢声慢气。Mu husband usually speaks at a moderate speed.

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他们拨出50亩地作实验农场。They set aside 50 mu for an experimental farm.

贪慕虚荣的女子会让人瞧不起。Mu vanity greed people will look down on women.

补植补造按每亩10元进行补助。Replanting complement grants by 10 yuan per MU.