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这是最后一场禁赛了。“It is the last touchline ban, ” he confirmed.

一次罚款或者是场边的禁令都是远远不够的。A fine or, in this case, even a touchline ban won't be enough.

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当我跑上球场边时,我无法用语言来表达自己的感情。I can't put into words how I was feeling as I ran up the touchline.

这位女主播否认她在边线上的工作影响了她另一半场上的发挥。The presenter denies that her touchline job affects her other half on the pitch.

如果场上的挫败使我们在场边失去了控制,请原谅我们。Please forgive us if our frustration boils over on the touchline from time to time.

布路斯握紧了拳头,第一个冲出了场外,就像一名奥林匹克短跑选手。Steve Bruce clenched his fists and headed off down the touchline like an Olympic sprinter.

理查兹在比赛的第75分钟破门后,跑到边线上和教练来了个热情的拥抱。Richards got a hug from his boss in the touchline euphoria that followed his 75th-minute header.

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在比赛上一段不足12秒的时间内,你发现两个成熟的教练正在边线上激烈的争吵。During an under-12s match, you notice the two adult coaches having a furious row on the touchline.

曼联当时和阿森纳1-1打平,吉格斯从右侧边线开出任意球。United were level at 1-1 against Arsenal when Ryan Giggs sent in a free kick from the right touchline.

只要荷兰教头一个闪失,我们就会看到场边的一场恶战。One false move from the Dutch coach and we could have witnessed some very unsightly aggro on the touchline.

即便在34岁的时候也依然像小伙子一样不知疲倦的上下奔跑。Even at 34 he still motors up and down the touchline supporting the attack as if he was still in his mid-twenties.

这些言论都出现在一个下午,当时人们也都看到弗格森和休斯在边线附近生气地说些什么。It was the tone of an afternoon in which Ferguson and Hughes could also be seen exchanging angry words on the touchline.

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扎切罗尼相信尤文图斯正在不断进步,并且解释了和皮耶罗在边线处的矛盾。Alberto Zaccheroni believes Juventus will keep improving and explains his furious touchline row with Alessandro Del Piero.

进球来自萨莫拉、里奥-库克和埃瑟林顿,确保了胜利。西汉姆这个赛季在厄普顿公园同样击败了阿森纳,在边线上发生了温格和帕度的冲突。West Ham also beat Arsenal at Upton Park this season in a clash marred by a touchline bust-up between Pardew and Arsene Wenger.

仅仅在穆里尼奥的膝盖滑行诺坎普五天之后,温格就在边线和帕杜动起手来。A mere five days after Jose Mourinho's scuffed knees on the Nou Camp touchline came Arsene Wenger's argy-bargy with Alan Pardew.

看上去是很简单,但当你们已经进了的球却被站在边线的助理裁判一个糟糕的判罚给弄没了的时候你还会这么想吗。All straightforward until your team is denied what looks to be goal by a poor decision by the assistant referee on the touchline.

在这个月初切尔西赢西布朗的比赛中罗布森和穆里尼奥在边线面对面发生了冲突。Robson and Mourinho became involved in an angry touchline confrontation during Chelsea's 2-1 win at The Hawthorns earlier this month.

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守门员在球门禁区之内可以用手,其他队员可以用手掷边线球。The goalkeeper may use his hand s within the goal area , and other players may use their hand s to throw in the ball from the touchline.

上千种的预设选择以及比赛中“喊话”的功能可以让玩家随时作出战术上的改变。There are thousands of possible pre-set options and touchline "shout" instructions for making instant changes to your teams playing style.

在对阵奥林匹亚科斯的比赛中,温格将执行他最后一场禁赛,再次只能在观众席观看自己弟子的比赛。Wenger serves the final match of his touchline ban during the Champions League tie against Olympiacos and will watch from the stands once more.