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先扔给玛丽露。Toss it first to Mary Lou.

詹姆斯和路都是十几岁的少年。James and Lou were teenagers.

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路牺牲了他年轻的生命。Lou sacrificed his young life.

他招手把另一姓罗的保镖叫过来。He beckoned a second bodyguard, Lou.

你想请劳来告诉你你是谁?You want Lou to tell you who you are?

我在红楼电影院看这部电影的。I saw the movie at the Long Lou Cinema.

娄概括最终歌师。Lou has epitomized the ultimate song stylist.

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书包带子断了,玛丽·路跌倒了。我退了回来。The strap broke, Mary Lou fell and I backed off.

陈公公拍板婚宴就望德楼办了!Chen father-in-law clappers wedding at Lou de do!

卢伊萨劝母亲为了这个家要刚强面对。Lou issa advised mother to the home be strong face.

一天,路接到任务去炮击一艘油船。One day, Lou received an order to bombard a tanker.

多骑了五十多公里的冤枉路,好加在还是顺利的到了洛阳。After 50 plus km's, I eventually arrived at Lou Yang.

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玲珑镂鸡子,宛转彩球花。Delicate Lou chicken, Wanzhuan colored balls to spend.

现在仲由和冉求可以说算一个一般的大臣吧。Now, Lou and Qiu may be called rank-filling ministers.

古朴的吊角楼斜倚在绿色的山坡上。The ancient Diaojiao Lou is reclining on green slopes.

这正是郭士纳在IBM的时候做过的事情。This is what Lou Gerstner did when he turned around IBM.

我认为我不会坚持度过卢的后半段时间。I don't think I'll stick around for the back half of Lou.

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“蒌蒿满地芦芽短,正是河豚欲上时”。Lou Artemisia Montreal Lo buds short, is to globefish when.

76人缺少了露·威廉姆斯,或许能侥幸取得一场胜利。Sixers may be lucky to win one with Lou Williams sidelined.

能否在这个领域找一份可在家办公的正规工作?Can I find a legitimate at-home job in this field? — Mary Lou