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艾瑞斯告诉哥德费雷,她的老鼠跑了。Iris told Godfrey her mouse had run away.

每天早上,哥德费雷都会吃一个煮鸡蛋。Every morning godfrey had a boiled egg for breakfast.

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继ITC之后的是戈弗雷-菲利普斯和VST两大公司。Godfrey Phillips and VST are two major players after ITC.

公元1099年十字军的戈弗雷布永城市采取了由穆斯林。AD 1099 crusader Godfrey of Bouillon took the city from Moslems.

我对高孚利先生那种情同手足的关心是至深且巨的。So fervent still was the sisterly interest I felt in Mr. Godfrey.

高孚利先生搜索枯肠,终于想出一种新的说法。Mr. Godfrey made an effort, and came out with a new version of the affair.

难道坎迪医生或戈弗雷只是为挽回颜面才偷走月亮宝石?Did Dr Candy or Godfrey take the Moonstone as revenge for the loss of face?

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到了第二天晚上,我和高德弗利一起已经融合在火车轻快的节奏中了。By the end of our second day together, Godfrey and I had fallen into the train's easy rhythm.

良多人,搜罗戈弗雷·詹姆斯,都说国会议员在辅佐失踪业的美国人方面做得不够。Many, including rapper Godfrey James, say lawmakers are not doing enough to help unemployed Americans.

戈弗雷·菲利普斯执行副总裁妮塔·卡普尔说,万宝路是按菲利普莫里斯的质量标准制成的。Godfrey Philips executive V-P Nita Kapoor said Marlboro is being made as per Philip Morris quality standards.

戈佛瑞说她计划通过化妆和专业的摄影以再次向网站申请。Godfrey said she is planning to have a makeover and professional photo shoot before reapplying to the website.

到了早上,橘子椰子从床底下滚出来,高德弗利似乎对夜里的买卖很满意。In the morning, oranges and coconuts spilled from beneath the bed. Godfrey seemed pleased with the night's business.

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那个警官跟着哈福德的警官告诉吉恩和戈弗雷,哈福德没有从那个袭击中生还的希望。It shows the officer who was with Halford telling Genn and Godfrey that there was no way Halford survived that attack.

两位被告称艾弗森甚至加入了打斗,艾弗森用瓶子打他们其中的一个。Marlin Godfrey and David Anthony Kittrell say Iverson even took part in the fight by hitting one of them with a bottle.

该婴儿的父亲,格弗里·莫伦,今年102岁,也拒绝谈论此事。The boy's father, Godfrey Moorhen, now 102 and living in sheltered accommodation, has also refused to discuss the matter.

而亚洲男模也未被冷落,台湾的高以翔最近成为路易威登的广告代言人。Lest the boys feel left out, Louis Vuitton recently hired Taiwanese-Canadian Godfrey Gao for a moody advertising campaign.

戈弗雷女士说,“但是,现在这些家庭发现,即使孩子们得到了极好的教育,生活却很艰自理。Godfrey said. “But now these families are realizing they have a great education but yikes it's tough for them to be on their own.

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哥德费雷是不止一个广受赞誉的斗士,慷慨捐助的天主教堂,他也是一位非常虔诚的人。Godfrey was more than just an acclaimed fighter, a generous benefactor of the Catholic Church, he was also an immensely pious man.

戈弗雷女士说,“但是,现在这些家庭发现,即使孩子们得到了极好的教育,生活却很艰自理。Godfrey said. “But now these families are realizing they have a great education, but yikes, it's tough for them to be on their own.

戈弗雷豪森菲尔德爵士在EMI的中央研究实验室,英国在1972年发明了第一个商业上可行的CT扫描仪。The first commercially viable CT scanner was invented by Sir Godfrey Hounsfield at EMI Central Research Labs, Great Britain in 1972.