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山坡上躺着一个牧童。On the hillside lay a cowboy.

岩石沿着山坡滚下来。Rocks rolled down the hillside.

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石头沿山坡滚下。Stones rolled down the hillside.

他们曾在小山坡上开采锡。They'd mined the hillside for tin.

飞机在山坡上坠毁。The airplane crashed on a hillside.

飞机坠毁在山坡上。The airplane crashed on a hillside.

山腰上鲜花盛开。The hillside was a mass of flowers.

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他们在山坡上掏了一个深洞。They dug a deep hole in the hillside.

山坡长着带刺灌木丛。There were thorn bushes on the hillside.

他在山上拥有一栋巨宅。He possesses a huge house on the hillside.

这带来了一个在山坡上的深的沟壑。That created a deep gully in the hillside.

山坡上零零落落长着些树。There are scattered trees on the hillside.

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牧童把他的羊群赶向山坡。The cowboy drove his sheep at the hillside.

他们正从山坡上采大理石。They are quarrying the hillside for marble.

小羊在山坡上玩耍。LAMB】The lambs were playing on the hillside.

沿着山坡往上爬时,那条小径越来越陡。The path steepens as you climb the hillside.

战士们在山坡上植了树。The soldiers planted the hillside with trees.

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他们蹲在多阴的山坡上。They crouched together on a shadowy hillside.

那激流顺山坡而下冲出一条水沟。The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside.

但在沙质荒漠山坡上闪耀着乌黑颜色。But one sandy desert hillside shines jet-black.