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你滑雪滑得好吗?Are you a good skier.

这个学生滑雪滑得好。This pupil is a good skier.

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滑雪者滑下斜坡,飘逸得像一只鸟。The skier floated down the slope like a bird.

约翰。法拉是前奥运会越野滑雪选手。John Farra is a former Olympic cross-country skier.

这张照片上的是列支敦士登的速滑健将蒂娜•维瑞兹。This photo shows skier Tina Weirather of Liechtenstein.

请滑雪者务必对信号牌、指示牌和指示物保持足够的重视。A skier or snowboarder must respect all signs and markings.

一旦遇见事故,每个滑雪者都有义务去帮助受伤的人。At accidents, every skier or snowboarder is duty bound to assist.

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我不怎么热衷滑雪,但我的家人都是滑雪和滑雪板爱好者。I am not a big skier but my family are all skiers and snowboarders.

阿滑雪者火车之前加尔代纳山谷的世界杯速降比赛12月16日。A skier trains ahead of the Val Gardena World Cup Downhill December 16.

回旋滑水项目中,计算运动员滑绕两行浮标成功的次数。In a slalom event, the skier is timed on a run round two lines of buoys.

滑雪者降在不列颠哥伦比亚省冰川国家公园在的一座山上。A skier descends a mountain at Glacier National Park in British Columbia.

卡里-特拉生于1974年,是挪威自由滑雪运动员,她是一个既性感又强悍的选手。Born in 1974, this Norwegian freestyle skier is what you can call a sexy bomb.

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最后一位持火炬者是意大利前滑冰冠军贝尔蒙多。The final torch bearer was former cross country skier Stefania Belmondo of Italy.

除了是一名世界级的登山者外,埃里克也是个滑雪和特技跳伞的好手。As well as being a world-class mountain climber, Erik is also a good skier and skydiver.

他擅长滑雪、热衷篮球运动,并有报道说他能说英德法三种语言。He is a keen skier and basketball fan, and reportedly speaks English, German and French.

上周日,在奥地利阿尔卑斯山阿尔伯克的史杜本附近,一个滑雪者正力图从雪崩中逃生。A skier tries to escape an avalanche near Stuben am Arlberg in the Austrian Alps on Sunday.

美国高山滑雪运动员博迪·米勒曾赢得过4次世界冠军和2次世界杯冠军。American alpine skier Bode Miller, 32, is a four-time world champion and two-time overall World Cup champion.

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以非常快的速度滑雪,世界冠军在他前面滑着,and,having,the,world’,不停地发出,起跳,右转,等口令。They do that by skiing really fast s gold medal skier skiing in front of him saying jump, turn right, so forth.

前倾滑雪中的一种姿式,滑雪者从踝部向前倾,通常不提脚跟。A posture assumed in skiing in which the skier leans forward from the ankles, usually without lifting the heels.

一位滑雪者是拉着马在一个传统的苏格兰高地的男性Ciche,波兰2011年1月30日竞争。A skier is pulled by a horse during a traditional highlander's competition in Male Ciche, Poland January 30, 2011.