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当我抵达阿尔伯克基时,她在工作。By the time I make Albuquerque she'll be working.

上月,麦凯恩在阿尔布开克的一次集会上问道。McCain asked at a rally in Albuquerque last month.

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飞翼式飞行器在阿尔伯基被人看到。Flying wing type aircraft were seen over Albuquerque.

这里是阿尔布开克市,我们抛开了又一个炎热的夏天。We're kicking off another hot summer here in Albuquerque.

我继续调查了阿尔布开克的其他代理商。I expanded my research to other dealerships in Albuquerque.

阿尔布开克地区的气温,甚至可能会下降五到十度。We may even see a five to ten degree drop in temperatures in Albuquerque.

阿尔布开克的每一个Saturn雇员都在这个标示牌的背面签上了名字。Every employee at Saturn of Albuquerque had endorsed the back of that sign.

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该名称是为了向对气球飞行史做出突出贡献的两名阿尔伯克基人表示致敬。The name honors two men from Albuquerque who were important in the history of balloon flight.

赠送人米尔特,比利和土星汽车公司的员工们”每位阿尔伯克基市土星汽车公司的员工都在标牌的后面签了名。From Milt, Billy and Team Saturn" Every employee at Saturn of Albuquerque had endorsed the back of that sign.

每年十月,在阿尔伯克明举办的国际热气球节上,天空中都会出现不下七百个五彩斑澜的热气球。Each October, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta fills the sky with more than 700 colorful hot-air balloons.

他写道,为论坛的阿尔布开克,这是由斯克里普斯霍华德新闻分发服务全国每周幽默列。He writes a weekly humor column for The Albuquerque Tribune, which is distributed nationally by Scripps Howard News Service.

嗯。我知道在阿尔布开克应该朝左转。哦,好吧。我来问问这个穿着灯笼裤的搞笑家伙。Hmm. I knew I should have taken that left turn at Albuquerque. Oh, well. I'll just ask this gent in the fancy knickerbockers.

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在我的家乡,阿尔布开克市,有家汽车代理商似乎平均每天能卖出6到8辆新车,一周工作六天。It seems a car dealership in my hometown of Albuquerque was selling, on average, six to eight new cars a day, six days a week.

该方法是“非常令人兴奋的”,新墨西哥州阿尔布开克毒素和药物信息中心的医疗主任史蒂芬塞弗特说。The method is "very exciting, " says Steven Seifert, medical director of the New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center in Albuquerque.

附近一带没有学校,我只得跑到将近三十英里以外的伯纳利欧去念书,有一年干脆住到了阿尔伯克基。There were no schools within easy reach. I had to go nearly thirty miles to school at Bemalillo, and one year I lived away in Albuquerque.

那附近一带没有学校,我只得跑到将近三十英里以外的伯利欧去念书,有一年干脆住到了阿尔伯克基。There were no schools within easy reach. I had to go nearly thirty miles to school at Bernalillo, and one year I lived away in Albuquerque.

她已经28岁了,仍然和她的母亲住在美国东南部阿尔布开克的一个被称作战争地带的贫民区里,哪儿,她有一所两居室的房子。She was 28 years old and still lived in her mother's two-room apartment in a poor neighborhood in southeast Albuquerque known as the War Zone.

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数百个热气球让嘉年华公园热气沸腾。这些热气球正为阿尔布开克国际热气球节首日的升空做准备。The Balloon Fiesta Park is full of hot air as hundreds of balloons prepare for launch on day one of the Albuquerque International Balloon Festival.

BAE系统公司打算与位于新墨西哥州阿尔布的波音公司定向能系统部门展开合作,研发战术激光系统。BAE Systems intends to collaborate with Boeing Directed Energy Systems, located in Albuquerque N.M. for the development of the Tactical Laser System.

位于美国新墨西哥州西北部的一座城市,位于亚利桑那州边界与阿尔伯克基西北偏西。是牧业和矿区的贸易中心。人口9,54。A city of northwest New Mexico near the Arizona border west-northwest of Albuquerque. It is a trade center in a ranching and mining area. Population, 9,54.