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你仅是百万个不知名的数字中的一个。You're just one of a million faceless numbers.

在传统战争影片中,敌人都是无名无姓的。IN TRADITIONAL war films, the enemy is faceless.

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那样我就可以以其人之道还治其人之身。I can play these faceless bastards at their own game.

甚至心爱的人碰到死后无脸的灵魂,又是如何情形?Or even that their loved one might meet the afterlife faceless?

在一面玻璃窗户后,看不清面目的旁观者冷漠地看着Lincoln。Faceless onlookers watch Lincoln impassively through a glass window.

暗惧者虚空假面是来自超维视界的一名访客,一个时间之外的境域。Darkterror the Faceless Void is a visitor from Claszureme, a realm outside of time.

追捕者波巴·费特的脸藏在头盔里,他那身独特的盔甲会使逃亡者心中产生巨大恐慌。A faceless enforcer, Boba Fett's distinctive armor strikes fear in the hearts of fugitives.

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遗憾的是,我们实际上对一位有着如此丰功伟绩的伟大努比亚君主的模样几乎一无所知。A pity, then, that the great Nubian who accomplished these feats is literally faceless to us.

这个奖是给每个寂寂无闻的有色种族女性,因为大门从此打开了。It's for every nameless and faceless woman of color because tonight the door has been opened.

当米克·贾格尔的嘴唇投影满整个荧屏,陌生的人群中被动的情绪消失殆尽。Mick Jagger’s lips were all over the screens. The faceless crowd of passive souls disappeared.

一堵回音壁把他们与百姓隔开,他们眼里的人民不过是不知名的工人、消费者或纳税人。An echo chamber that isolates them. They see the public as faceless workers, customers, taxpayers.

他与美国早期的一些领导人一样,反对一种遥不可及的、不露面的力量,认为是这股力量让普通人沦为乞丐。Like earlier leaders, Reagan railed against a distant, faceless force that beggared the common man.

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那些匿名官员似乎认为美国的纳税人是一部无限制的ATM取款机“。These nameless, faceless bureacrats seem to think the American taxpayers are a limitless ATM machine.

商店员工布莱恩·麦克利兰把一个无头模特的手臂拆下并且整理他的黑色T恤。Store employee Brian McLelland snaps the arm off one faceless figure and rearranges its black T-shirt.

公司里的其他人都是姓名不详的属下,努力讨好这位无所不知无所不闻的乔布斯。Everyone else in the company is a faceless minion working to please the all-seeing and all-knowing Jobs.

互联网给普通人带来了更深更广地匿名参与社会生活的可能性。Internet brought deeper more extensive land to Everyman faceless the possibility that shares social life.

他穿上把脸遮住的盔甲,伪装成贾巴的一名浮空小艇卫兵,混进宫殿。He concealed himself in the armor of one of Jabba's many faceless skiff guards and infiltrated the palace.

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为什么我们得用姓名不详的年度报告和第三手的市场研究报告来彼此引见呢?Why do we need faceless annual reports and third-hand market research studies to introduce us to each other?

其结果是,我们和一些没有面孔的机器共同分享着道路,也就很容易忽视对方,或产生敌对心理。As a result, we share the road with faceless machines that are much easier to ignore or be aggressive toward.

黑暗之龙是没有面孔的敌人,是有着数百面容和数千低语的爬行阴影。The Dragon of Darkness is the Faceless Foe, the Slithering Shadow with a hundred faces and a thousand whispers.