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你喜欢吃螃蟹吗?Do you like crab?

一只螃蟹有十只脚。A crab has ten feet.

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它们是一种很大的陆蟹。They are a big crab.

我养了只寄居蟹。I have a hermit crab.

我也一样,他是个老螃蟹。Neither do I. He's a crab.

醉海蟹钳子。Drunk the sea crab pincers.

螃蟹想吹泡泡。Crab wanted to blow bubbles.

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它生活在石缝里、山泉边,大名叫石蟹。Stone crab is its proper name.

阿拉斯加蟹爪,冻虾,翡翠螺。Alaska Crab Claw, Shrimp, Whelk.

蟹状星云脉冲星变慢。The Crab Pulsar is slowing down.

什么是日本蜘蛛蟹?What is the Japanese Spider Crab?

招潮蟹就是一座“活钟”。The fiddler crab is a living clock.

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这是我煮熟的红岩蟹。This guy is my cooked red rock crab.

你无法叫螃蟹直着走。本性难移,不必强人所难。You can't make a crab walk straight.

小蟹只能仰天长叹。The smaller crab is lying on his back.

他说他也不知道河蟹是怎么来的。He said he did not know how is the crab.

所有软壳蟹均用新鲜沙丁鱼喂食。All crab are fed with fresh sardine fish.

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甲壳素生产从螃蟹和虾炮弹。Chitin Produced from crab &shrimp shells.

蟹肉沙拉配虾酱,放在鳄梨泥上。Crab Salad with Avacado and Bisque Jelly.

哪里日语蜘蛛蟹活?Where does the Japanese Spider Crab Live?