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我把丝绸睡衣送给了她。I gave her the silk nightgown.

买件性感的睡衣或者贴身内衣。Splurge on a sexy nightgown or lingerie.

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我可不可以穿件丝制睡袍,睡衣上并且有花图饰?Can I have a silk nightgown with rosebuds on it?

我身上只穿了件睡袍,被外面的风吹得还真是冷啊。It’s cold, the wind cutsright through my nightgown.

她穿了件粉色的睡袍,不过穿在别的小巧的人,的身上会好看得多,“She had on a pink nightgown that would have better fit a smaller figure."

我提起睡裙,抓挠蚊子在腿上咬出的一溜儿包。I hitched up my nightgown and raked my nails across a line of mosquito bites on my leg.

窗处的月光正好照在她身上,映着那白色的睡衣越发地显得惨白和可怖。The moon just cast a light on her body. The white nightgown appeared more ghastly and horrible than ever.

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在我五岁圣诞节时,她给了我一个红色的绒布封面的记事本,我穿着我像花朵一样的睡裙翻开空白的页面,感到困惑。When I was five, she gave me a red corduroy-covered notebook for Christmas. I sat in my floral nightgown turning the blank pages, puzzled.

像往常一样,到了就寝的时候,我就把晚上服用的药拿给凯特,她就坐在她的椅子里穿着睡衣和拖鞋,等着我的到来。Bedtime followed a ritual. When I brought the medication , Kate would be sitting in her chair, in nightgown and slippers, awaiting my arrival.

只是我并不温柔完美,穿着花边睡衣躺在四柱床上,而是穿着凌乱的脏背心躺在非洲中部的一张充气床垫上。Except I wasn’t sweet and perfect in a lace nightgown on a four-poster bed, but disheveled in a dirty tank top on an air mattress in the middle of Africa.

金田一再度大喊,所有人都吓呆了。系子刀自用睡袍的衣袖掩着眼睛悲痛地大哭起来。The gold farmland degree yells again and again, the owners all stunned. Fasten the gusset Yan that the son knife self-uses a nightgown eyes to sadly weep aloud.

我拿到电报的时候华生正在读一篇关于肯辛顿某个年轻女人被车撞死的新闻,时间是晚上,街道上没什么人,我想当时那悲惨的女人还穿着她的睡衣呢。Watson was reading the paper about some young woman in Kensington who was run over. Had no business in the street at that hour. I believe she was in her nightgown.

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看到了我姐和我前嫂子的遭遇,我知道全家人都会明白为什么我的圣诞礼物开始变成一套套的睡袍。After seeing what happened to my sister and former sister-in-law, I knew the whole family would know why I started to receive nightgown sets as gifts at Christmastime.

所以女友只穿一件深V领无袖的睡裙里面只穿着内内没有戴文胸,出门时我一直催她快点她怕我等得不耐烦。So his girlfriend wearing a dark V collar sleeveless nightgown inside wearing only underwear not wearing a bra, to go and I have been urging her to hurry she was afraid I was getting impatient.

睡觉的屋子里一片寂静,恐怖的场面太强烈了,因而她的想象也就更逼真,吓出了一身冷汗,把睡衣都湿透了,她的心猛烈地跳动着,每跳动一次,床也就震动一下。The lurid presentment so powerfully affected her imagination in the silence of the sleeping house that her nightgown became damp with perspiration, and the bedstead shook with each throb of her heart.